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Rorys pov

I snuggle further in his familiar chest, moving the blanket to cover us more. Caleb is here, which still boggles my mind. I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy but that's okay. We're watching 10 things I hate about you. I begged Caleb to watch it and he finally agreed but I know he is enjoying it. We've been hanging out a lot lately. He talks to me about this girl he met where've he goes to when we aren't together, she sounds.. cool? I don't know why I'm being weird about it. I mean he's dead, so he can date whoever he wants I guess? If he was alive he still could but I don't know.

I look over and see him dead asleep- sorry, bad choice of words. I reach my hand over to touch his cold grey skin. When I do, I feel a shock and jump a little. He opens his eyes, and looks around.

"Sorry I fell asleep. "

"Oh, it's okay! The movie ended a bit ago. I was about to sleep." Suddenly feeling the awkward tension I search my mind for a different topic.

"" He raises his eyebrows and I continue.

"Is there any tea in the underworld??" I laugh but also feel embarrassed about using the word tea in 2021.

"Umm, yeah I don't know."

"Oh, cool." It's silent for a few moments. God why am I acting like this? We've known each other since we were in diapers and it's never been awkward really. Besides for the time we went to get food after he had a hookup at my house so he wouldn't get grounded. Ew.

"Um, it's also technically called AfterLife. Not the underworld. Just like..letting you know I guess." He scoots further away and scratches his neck chuckling.

"Um so do you wanna?-"

"I guess I'll just-" he says at the same time. Why do we always interrupt each other.

"You go first. "

"No no you go, I was just gonna ask if you wanted a snack." I realize what I said and continue. "Well like, you can't eat food here but, I don't know. " he laughs and I blush.

"I was gonna say I guess I'll head back, unless you wanted me to stay?"

"Oh uh, no you can go if you want. Well like you don't have to stay.-"

"-Like you aren't obligated I guess. Sooo yeah." Nice rory. Smooth.

He gets up, probably about to leave. I remove the blankets from me and stand up.  When I stand up, I slip on my rug and fall. Caleb catches me and holds my lower back and neck. We're inches apart, both out of breath.

I'm staring at his bright green eyes, still the same. He looks down at my lips then back up.

Why do I have so much fucking deja vu right now.

He kisses me suddenly. I miss him back, confused. After a while we go lay on my my bed. He moves on top of me and kisses me neck. I pull him back to my lips.

About 10 minutes later of making out- he let's go and gets off of me and lays next to me.

"I'm sorry I- I can't."

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