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It was a week later, a very odd week. Caleb had visited me once again and was supposed to come see me again today or tomorrow. Honestly I know that this is fucking crazy, but it's a dream come true so I'm embracing it (the best that I can).

I walked inside and looked around, thankfully dad wasn't home. He had started a new job and wasn't around as much anymore. I grabbed some fruit and went into my room.

I jumped on my bed and took a nap for a bit. At least 30 minutes later I woke up to a very upset stomach. I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom. I then proceeded to throw up everywhere. My phone had started to ring so I went back into my room after cleaning up to answer it.

"Hey girl! Wait are you okay?" Mia said as I answered her face time.

"Yeah uh I just threw up but it's okay."

"OMG!!! ARE YOU OKAY IS THE BABY OKAY?!?!" I flinched as she screamed but then Giggled.

"Yes we're both fine." I smiled and continued.

"I think I'm almost 5 months, I'm gonna start showing soon." I suddenly heard something fall, when I looked up I yet again saw my two favorite green eyes staring at me in disbelief.

"Oh shit Mia I'll call you later."

"Okay Caleb just listen okay?"

"Your p-pregnant?" When I didn't answer he spoke louder.

"Rory, are you pregnant? Yes or no. " I nodded my head in shame and looked down, afraid of his response.

"Shit. What are you gonna do?"

"I don't really know, have the baby and give it up?" When I looked back up to him I saw pain and fear mixed into his emotion. His blue-gray skin seeming almost paler.

He went to say something but there was a knock on my door. We both looked over and Caleb faded away, I knew he was still there though.

"Ro?" I swallowed my anxiety down when I heard Bowie's voice behind my door. This was not the 'meeting' I imagined for Caleb and him.

"Bowie? I didn't know you were coming over today."

"Can I come in?"

"Of course." He opened the door and I saw bruises on his cheek and blood trickling down his neck and nose. I stood up and ran over to him, cupping his face in my hands.

"Bo?" I looked at him with worried eyes and he looked away.

"I got in a really bad fight with my dad. "

"What happened?"

"He got mad because of something dumb I don't even remember what it was." He gulped and looked worried for a second, then continued. 

"And things just escalated so quickly, he punched me and slapped me over and over again. Then he said to get the hell out and before I left I said 'do me a favor and just kill yourself' and I didn't know where to go but to you. "

I grabbed my stomach and held it when I felt myself getting triggered by what Bowie was telling me.

"Y-you told your own dad to kill himself?"

"Yeah?? He was acting like a bitch. "

"That's messed up Bowie. What the hell. "

"Rory, chill. "

"How am I gonna chill? That's horrible Bowie."

"It's fine, don't go cry or anything."

"What the hell? Why are you acting like a bitch."

"Don't fucking call me that. "

"Then don't fucking talk to me like this. "

"Oh my god just shut up Rory. "

"Get the fuck out. "


"Get the fuck out I said. " I pushed him towards the door but he pushed me back harder. I fell on the bed and the anxiety in me kept growing.

"Bowie what the fu-"

"Don't touch me like that again." He got closer and I panicked.

"Bowie stop!" He flinched for a second at my loud scream.

"I'm pregnant." His face dropped and he stepped back away from me. I looked around my room quickly and suddenly felt love and warmth flush around me, and I knew I was safe.

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