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"Check please!" Caleb had called out to our new waiter, we had finished eating and had no where else to be so we decided to go for a walk. When we walked outside it was pouring rain and everyone was wearing ponchos and had umbrellas.

"Ooh, maybe we should call an Uber or something.." I said. Caleb suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled us out into the rain. we both immediately got soaked.


"You got pretty for me?" He said with a smirk, I started to protest as he continued. "Look I bet my mom wont mind, come on let's do something fun and different."

We walked to a cliff that we used to play in all the time as kids. It was a horse shoe shaped, and below it was ocean and a small beach. In the distance you could see clouds with lightning flashing in them. By this point it was almost pitch black outside, the only thing illuminating the area was the moonlight.

"We haven't been here since like, 7th grade." I chuckled but he just smiled and looked at the sky. "What?" I asked, He turned to look at me and walked closer.

"May I have this dance?" He held out his hands for me to grab.

"Caleb I-" With one smooth gesture he took hold on my hand and put his free end on my lower waist, I put my other hand on the back of his neck and he pulled me closer. We swayed for a bit before he spun me around and we laughed.

"See, it's not so bad cherry." He smiled, his cheeks rosy from the cold. I rested my head on his shoulder as we continued to be poured on by the rain.

We heard thunder boom and lightning shake the ground. As if life was in slow motion I felt Caleb slip out of my grip and grab the side of the of the cliff, he held on with his entire strength. I let out a blood curdling scream and I ran toward him and grabbed his hand.

"Caleb just hold on, please. I will get my phone I'll call someone I don't know I'll just-"


"Yeah?" I said as I sobbed, he calmly looked at me with a single tear shedding from his eye.

"You know I love you right?"

"Caleb please" I cried.

"I'll tell you a secret, I think we were always meant to meet at the park. I would do anything for you, would you do anything for me?" He started to get out of breath and I squeezed his hand tighter.

"Yes, of course I would."

"Then I need you to let go of my hand and get away from the mud so you don't-" He made a pained expression and looked back up, now crying like me.

"I need you to let go Rory."

"Caleb no I cant- I wont do it."

"If you don't I will Rory."

I started to sob and I looked behind me and around me for something, anything we could use to pull each other back up. I knew his arm was slipping and that he was probably in pain but I can't do this without him. I can't do this. I need Caleb Young here with me. I don't exist without him.

"Rory it's no use, I'm going to let go. I love you and that will never change." He used his last strength to pull himself up just enough to kiss my hands before he let go. He fell and hit the water that was about 35 feet below us. I pushed myself away from the edge and screamed in my grief. I brought my knees to my chest and called 911. It seemed as though the sky grieved with me. I heard waves crash along the side of the cliff and I felt myself being pushed and shoved by the strong winds.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"M-my friend just fell"


All I saw was Caleb's parents run towards me and hug me, I heard sirens and the ambience and chaos of paramedics running towards the water in search of a body. Me and his parents went to sit in one of the ambulances, the police came to talk to me and I had explained what had happened. We found out that there was a category 2 hurricane and it would get worse so they didn't know if it was possible to get Caleb back.

The next thing I knew I was being shaken awake. I woke up, my heart pounding. I looked around at my surroundings and my grief set in when I realized I was in Caleb's bed. It was the next morning and shelly was telling me that they found his body and we had to rush to the hospital.

We were told that Caleb had gotten severe hypothermia and had gone into cardiac arrest. We practically ran to his room and waiting outside. We heard doctors yelling and the sound of a heartbeat. Ok, a heartbeat. That's all that matters. right?

some time later I was snapped out of my day dream, just to wake up to a nightmare.

"Caleb has fell into a coma, we don't know when or.. if he will wake up. You can come sit with him and you three can stay the night if you wish, Again I'm so sorry."

Caleb's mom erupted in tears as Caleb's dad rubbed her back- also shedding tears. I stared at the door to his room, pinching myself hoping to wake up from this nightmare. Without thinking I opened the door to see Caleb laying in bed, tubes in every single spot. Wires were pouring out from the edge of his bed. The entire room just reeked of sadness. I warily walked towards his bed and held his hand. A nurse pulled up a chair for me to sit on as I stared at him. I don't know how long I had sat there but I remember hearing Caleb's parents saying to a nurse that they couldn't stay and look at their 'baby boy' like this, Shelly came up and rubbed my shoulders before she kissed my cheek and walked out.

How did this happen? One minute were dancing and the next I'm holding him up before he plunges to his death. Why does this have to happen to me. I have to be cursed or something. If I lose him I don't know what I will do. He's the only thing that keeps me afloat. I always lose the people I love. I thought for once, maybe he would stay.

Please stay Caleb. I need you.

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