Raise myself

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Rorys pov

Water splashed against the rocks and I heard Bowie let out a laugh as he came back up to the surface.

"Come on babe just jump, don't be a wimp." I shriveled up my nose and shook my head.

We decided to go on a hike to a waterfall as a date thing today. It was honestly super fun, I was too scared to jump in from the rock (that was at least 6 feet above) but it's fine. Me and Bowie had been spending a lot of time together, I barely had time to think of Caleb even though he was always at the back of my mind. Bowie always helped distract me whenever I was sad about it so I was doing okay as of lately.

I had been feeling super connected to Caleb lately. I don't know how to describe it, like spiritually?? I don't think he's like haunting me obviously but I just feel closer to him but yet so far away. I hope he's happy wherever he his.

As I got lost im my thoughts I heard Bowie screaming my name and then water drench me.

"What the hell bowie!"

"What? You're literally wearing a swimsuit it's fine. Just come innnnnn." I gave in and kept off into the water.

When I came back up to the surface and wiped my eyes I felt Bowie grab my waist and pull me close. He smirked and I brought my face close to his. I stared into his amber eyes and pushed him backwards under the water.

He came back up and picked me up bridal style despite my giggles and screams. He walked back up to the rock we jumped off on and threw me back into the water. I screamed and felt the cold crystal clear water hit my skin.

When I came back up for air I saw Bowie grinning while he cannon balled in the water and splashed me.

1 week ago

"Okay well?? What does it say?" Mia asked.

"Hold on it hasn't showed up yet." I nervously bit my hands while pacing in the Walmart bathroom. The test in front of me making my thoughts race even faster.

I hadn't had my period for at least a month in a half since me and Bowie had gone on our date. I didn't think anything of it really, okay I kind of was a little nervous. But I thought why not just check, couldn't hurt anything. Right?

My heart stopped beating when my eyes dropped down to look at the pregnancy test with two pink lines on it. My mouth opened slightly in shock and I covered my mouth with my shaking hand.


"I- um it-" I could barely even form words while my entire body went into panic. I was only 17, I didn't have any money, I couldn't do anything. I couldn't get an abortion. I can't raise a baby. I can barely raise myself.

"Can I come in?"

A few seconds later Mia opened the door slowly and grabbed my hand and squeezed it as she looked at the test.

"What are you gonna do?"

"I have no fucking idea. "

"I'll be with you no matter what. I love you. "

"I love you two Mia." A single year fell down my face and I rested my head in mias warm shoulder. I felt a wind blow past me and goosebumps form all over me.

I shivered and stood my head back up and collected myself as best as I could. If this is for real, then I need to think straight instead of being all emotional.

Between Two HeartsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora