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I glance down at the white, lacy fabric that wraps around my body. It fanned out at my feet and corseted the rest of me. Looking back at the long dramatic train behind me, I feel like a princess. Like I'm important, like I'm beautiful.

It's my day. Well, our day.

Our day that we were lucky enough to get a second shot at having. A man in an all black tux hands me my bouquet. I feel my sisters' arm slide under mine, hooking us together and I look up at her. My eyes glazing over as I hold back the urge to cry.

Evelyn smiles at me, squeezing me with her linked arm. She was right, I did promise her she'd walk me. That was always the plan. And so was her wearing my dads ashes around her neck in the necklace she had made years ago for this day, and her day, and Ashlyn's day. If my mother weren't buried, she could be here too.

I'd like to think she still is.

Here Comes the Bride began and I lost it. I didn't know it was possible for a person to cry with a genuine smile on their face, but I was doing it. The doors open and my eyes search for Simon at the end of the aisle.

He stands, waiting for me. Right where he's always belonged.

He's double proof that a person could cry while smiling authentically. His hands meet in front of his face and he bends at the waist as he watches my sister and I march toward him. It's pure happiness and I can't be next to him soon enough.

Ashlyn's standing across from him, giggling at him. Probably at both of us for being crybaby's. The pews only seated about five people, but this isn't that kind of wedding.

This was a long-awaited, spur-of-the-moment wedding. I didn't want to over-plan anything, I didn't want a thousand flowers or a coconut-free cake. I didn't need a ten-thousand dollar dress, or an upscale venue in California.

This day isn't about any of that. It's about me and Simon doing what we needed to do a long time ago. It's about us breaking down the cowardly wall we built in between us.

It's our family, friends, my sisters, and his mother supporting us while my parents and our angel baby are all looking down at us. Witnessing this moment.

It's a little chapel downtown, rustic and chic. Like getting hitched in a pretty farm house. It's perfect.

His hands hold mine in between us and he gazes at me in a way that makes my stomach dance while I squeeze them, just validating that this is all real. That he is really in front of me, marrying me. That we had the ability to fall back into love after all that we'd faced. He amazes me.

I amaze myself.

"Kat," he says, his shaky hands holding up his written vows. He clears his throat as if it would clear away his nerves too. "When I jumped out of that plane, I realized two things on the way down."

The few of us chuckle at him. I had a feeling he'd bring that up, and I know as long as we were together, he'll never stop.

"One: I was obviously still madly in love with you to have actually gone through with that, and Two: that I could have died and never had the chance to tell you. And as I plummeted down towards Earth, I told myself that if I survived, I'd tell you how I really felt as soon as we were on the ground. But as we all know, I didn't. Mainly because...have you met yourself?"

I roll my eyes.

"But also because I only wanted you to be happy, and at the time I thought what made you happy, wasn't me. When you came to me that day, I knew. I knew that I was a coward and you've always been this fearless, badass bombshell, and if anyone had the courage to bring us back down to Earth, it was you. It's always been you and I love you so much I can't even stand it. You test my limits, you set me free, you force me to live and I love you for it all. I'd jump from the moon as long as I was yours."

The Window Seat (badLuckbrides #1)Where stories live. Discover now