Chapter 12

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Six Days Until Wedding

"No, this is fine," I assure him, grabbing my duffle bag from the couch.

James keeps asking if I'm okay with hanging here with him instead of going out like planned. I insisted we go to Twenty-Four Hour Fitness, since I have a membership there and know I can workout in peace, but he changed up on me last minute.

Claims he's short on time.

He probably is. I've never seen him so scrambled. This lifestyle is getting to his head.

He's got a home gym downstairs, which I think is excessive. But hey, if I were as wealthy as he is, maybe I'd have one too.

James pats my shoulder, a smug smirk wrinkles his skin. "Are you sure you're okay, bro? Something going on at home?"

I shake my head. I'll deny it until my neck snaps. "Yeah, no I'm fine." But I can't change the I-don't-wanna-fucking-be-here tone I've had since I ran into Kathlyn and Aspen at Starkie's.

Actually, probably since I seen the huge rock on Kathlyn's finger on the plane. The gnawing ache in my chest when she told me the date and I put two and two together, hasn't stopped either.

I didn't want that to be true. I'd rather have died in a fiery, plane crash death than to know she's marrying a douche like James.

"Just some stuff with this girl." I take a swig from my BCAA filled water bottle, watching him nod at me with his head fixed downward.

How can a person enjoy life without ever leaving their phone alone? I get that this is his job, I get that he has to be active online. But damnit, his life doesn't just stop.

His real life.

But it makes sense to me now. His real life isn't Kathlyn. Hell, it's not even traveling. It's money.

James's social media life is Kathlyn. Traveling with Kathlyn—living in this bougie ass mansion with Kathlyn. Portraying this happy life of perfection that everyone knows is bullshit because it's social media, yet still they eat it all up with a silver spoon.

"Nothing important, though," I mutter, knowing he isn't listening.

"Alright—Well, don't worry about that. You're on vacation." He whacks my back again and I fight back the reflex to slap him back.

James pulls out his phone again and after reading a message he throws his head back and lets out a groan just to seem like he cares, but it's evident he doesn't because only a slight squint of frustration appears on his face. "Fuck, I forgot I had to call a few people this morning—do you mind if I just take care of this real quick?"

I wave a hand, dropping the bag by my feet as I return to my spot on the couch.

I watch James head up the stairs and once he's out of eye shot, I stand up as Ashlyn's voice speaks in my head. This was my chance to find Kathlyn's way out of this wedding. I scan the room until I notice a photo of James and Kathlyn standing over a cliff, she's got her hand on his shoulder, but he's not holding her back. I can't resist staring at it, wondering if I can possibly see through the smile she's wearing.

There's a phone book sitting out, I look it over. The entire wedding team is listed, from tailors, to jewelers, to the bakery where they'd have the cake tasting that James was apparently dreading. That's how I know he's a sociopath. Who complains about spending an hour tasting cakes?

"Hi, can I speak to Helen Reynolds, please?" My voice is low and I find myself locking my eyes on the staircase as I hide behind the wall pillar. "Good evening. I am calling on behalf of the Bailey wedding party...yes, I am calling because—I regret to inform you that your services are no longer needed." I squint, hearing these words coming from my mouth. Pinching the bridge of my nose as I feel all control leave me. Maybe I was the sociopath. "No, no need to call James, I am his assistant...right, that's me...thank you for your time, Helen."

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