Chapter 2

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June 1, 5:03 P.M. Arrival in California - Fourteen Days until Wedding

I'm completely drained. Being in close quarters with Simon has sucked the life out of me. The nap I took wasn't nearly as satisfying as it should have been. He hasn't changed much more than an impressive pair of biceps. But he's still the boy that manages to ruin everything he's involved in.

As soon as I stepped off, I had a seat and texted Marla an entire novel about what I just went through.

Marla (Manager): OMG!!! Like, in the seat next to you?

Me: Yes, right next to me. I wanted to die.

I haven't experienced that much déjà vu in one sitting as I have in my entire life.

If I didn't hate him so much, I would have told him he looked well. He did, he looked great. Healthy with clear skin like he doesn't have a worry or a stress in the world.

Marla (Manager): Yikes. Sounds like a bad omen.

It had to be.

I'm completely frazzled. I need me time, stat.

And that's exactly what I'm here for. That's exactly why I left as early as I did. These next two weeks are going to be filled with California rays, good food, expensive wine, and much needed relaxation. Maybe James and I can even get a couples massage or facials—sort of get our honeymoon started a little early.

As much as I know that I am only seconds away from starting my lay-cation, I'm still really on edge after what I just experienced.

Walking through the airport, I can't even keep focus on where I'm supposed to be going because my mind's been overrun with anxiety. My shoulder bumps past everyone else who's running around like they've all boiled up from a disturbed ants nest, which doesn't help lessen the daze I keep fading in and out of.

The two rolling suitcases behind me are occasionally hitting the backs of my feet, as if this day couldn't possibly get any more annoying. All the excitement I had for this trip has worn—or maybe after that hell flight I've just endured, I'm just a bit bummed. What a way to start off my new life.

"Kath!" Aspen yells, bringing me out of my trance. "So much for calling as soon as you got here."

I spot the whole gang to the left of me. I was so far in my head I almost missed the big Welcome Home Kath! sign the three are holding up.

They're so cute, I could cry.

Looking at the three of them—who should be four—I can't help but to feel a big hole in my chest over the missing link I call my fiancé.

But James did tell me he had a big job this week, on top of preparing for the launch of his first business. That's all apart of our lifestyle. Something comes up and you take it because that's the only way you get paid. In this business, you don't turn down many opportunities. You take what you can, no matter what's going on in your life.

But it would be nice to have him here to greet me. I've been missing the feeling of my arms around his coltish torso, especially after that flight fiasco.

In comparison to Simon, James wasn't quite as buff, especially not now. Seeing how Simon's biceps bulged with even the slightest movements he made. He was like the perfect symmetry with himself. Not overly muscular, but just enough to show his strength and discipline. He clearly had a routine to keep himself that fit.

The sexiest he's ever been and we aren't even together.

I hate myself.

I hate him.

The Window Seat (badLuckbrides #1)Where stories live. Discover now