Chapter 13

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I'm not proud to admit this but, paint n' sip was one of the things I was most looking forward to during this trip. Not clubbing, not watching Aspen get a lap dance from two burly, hot male strippers, not even the massages we just got—although they were so needed. I abandoned art so long ago. I did it all. Painting, sculpting, Simon and I would even draw together. And writing—I used to practically write in my sleep. I always thought I'd publish a book, but life changed. At some point it became, create or travel? I couldn't do both.

And that's another thing about Simon. He's still the artist he always was, and he's successful. He gets to do all he loves, both fitness and sketching for all kinds of different companies. I looked him up, another thing I'm not proud to admit. He made beautiful designs. One day, I caught him working on his tablet when we'd all rode to lunch together in the SUV.

I chuckle at Aspen's sorry excuse for a martini glass that she's slathered onto the canvas. But, in her defense she's too tipsy to construct a decent one—and too tipsy to care.

I've already set my paintbrush down, just watching the instructors make their rounds around the room and check our progress.

"I wanted to go back to Rome, but James insisted on Aruba. He said he wanted to go somewhere new so that we can get back into vlogging right away, but I love Rome." I sigh, my eyes roam the room as I check out everyone else's paintings. "I always pictured honeymooning in Rome since the first time I went."

"Well, maybe you'll love Aruba just as much as you love Rome."

"Impossible. The art and the food and the history is just incomparable."

She smirks at me. Something was up with her—besides the fact that she was clearly buzzed.

Speaking of buzz, I catch my phone before it can vibrate off the table.

Marla (Manager): Just giving you some good news, The Bailey's vlog channel just hit 2.5M subscribers and you haven't even posted your first vlog! Cheer up about everything else! Mwah!

I was going to reply but was distracted by Aspen's dramatic sigh.

"Let's talk Simon." She sets down her empty glass, still swallowing the last remnants of the (mostly Bitch Vodka) cocktail she'd brought in as her drink of choice. "I wanna know about this guy."

"There's nothing to know." I'm forcing a smile so hard my cheeks are sore.

"My feelings are hurt."

"Huh?" If she weren't looking at me, I'd roll my eyes. I'm tired of discussing Simon more than I am tired of actually seeing him.

"It hurts my feelings that I didn't know about this ex who apparently left such a big mark in your life."

"Alright. Okay, I'll spill." I set my hands firmly on the bar top. "But I'm not giving every last detail."

"Fine. I just want to know."

"Simon and I met in high school. We were seventeen. He was the hot new kid who moved from Washington and everyone loved him..."

I remember it just like it happened a day ago.

My senior year of high school, I was dragged to some random persons' house party by a friend I'd lost contact with not long after that.


"Oh stop already, Kath," she said, shoving me through the door of a house I'd never been.

The music was blaring. The mixture of alcohol and smoke in the air brought a weird feeling to the pit of my stomach.

"It's gonna be fun," she sang with a wide grin. "Travis is gonna be there."

The Window Seat (badLuckbrides #1)Where stories live. Discover now