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Just then Mal began emitting purple smoke and you then came to realisation as Mal flew up and began screeching.

You then realised that it was Celia's scream and you began emitting the very familiar glow from your hands, you let Mal deal with Audrey while you went to get Celia, but not before making a quick remark.

"Now, I have nothing against this villainy of yours, keep on going, I encourage this behaviour. But if you don't let Celia go, we will rip your throat out." You said holding your hands out in defence in case she decided to go after you.

Mal began firing at her as Audrey fired at Mal and Mal fell downwards, you were about to help before you saw Uma running over to her, but Harry kept his eyes locked on you.

While Mal was distracting her, you fell in front of Celia and the girl. You then saw Mal fly up to join you as you peered over the edge. The ember was working again.

There stood Uma looking up as you shot her a quick thumbs up and she nodded in reply and understanding.

You then turned around to see a frightened Celia to your side and Mal holding the ember up to Audrey.

"Celia! Are you okay?" You asked as she turned to you, she smiled and ran up to you. The two of you shared a hug.

You heard Uma and Harry cheering from below the tower making you chuckle. But then you turned back to Audrey and your eyes went softer, "hey is she okay?" You asked walking over.

"No, the power of the scepter is useless against the power of the ember, and she got stuck in the middle of it. If my dad was here maybe I could wake him up." She said as your breath hitched.

How did you not notice! Her father is Hades and your father is....also Hades.

"Well..... maybe I can help, I mean I am half Hades, ya know if your half and I'm half we make a whole" You chuckled nervously rubbing the back of your neck.

She turned around too look at you. "Your Hades daughter?" She said breathing heavily.

"I guess so..." You said as she smiled.

"No wonder I liked you the most" Mal said as you laughed together. You then heard Uma and Harry yell and you heard little footsteps going down the stair well, you realised it was time to go, so you took Mals hand and you both followed Celia.

——————-Audrey's Bedroom———————

"She's slipping away.." Evie said holding her hand.

Mal was on one side of Audrey and you and Evie were on the other side. Mal put her head on the bed in exhaustion and regret. While Ben was pacing across the room.

Mal sighed. "There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this and that's Hades"

"Hades? He wouldn't do it, and i wouldn't risk it" Ben stated with a snare.

"Actually..." You butted in as they all turned to look at you.

"He might do it for Y/N. Shes his daughter, I am too but they are obviously closer."

Ben looked shocked to know about Mal but not as shocked about Y/N.

"Ok..we'll have to send guards to go get him." Ben said crossing his arms.

"Maybe I can hitch a ride." Uma said as everyone looked at her. She just rolled her eyes.

"The Isle is my home. Someone needs to be there to protect it." She sighed.

"Your not going without your best friend." You said standing up as she smiled.

"What's the point in staying if my best mates aren't?" Harry said as he stood next to you, you had positioned yourself next to Uma.

In The Dead Of Night (Harry Hook x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now