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It was the next day and You had just put on your pirate outfit

You began walking to the destination that Uma had said to go to. The sounds of your boots walking across the varies different types of cracked concrete before a flash of purple walked into the shop that identified as 'Lady Tremaines Curl up and Dye shop' very..welcoming.

You hadn't seen them around before so you decided to follow them. You decided it be best you didn't walk in so you just went to the alleyway on the left of the building where there was a cracked window you could look through. When you looked into it you saw Mal, and that made your blood boil but what was worse was Evie was there with here.

You wanted to scream, confront them about what they had done to you and how alone they left you. But you couldn't otherwise they would most likely never leave you alone. You heard something along the lines of 'smoke bomb' and 'decoy' plus the never ending conversation about fashion between Dizzy and Evie.

You had heard enough to analyse what they were planning. If they needed smoke bombs they would most likely have a reason to escape, and why would they need to escape if Uma didn't attack them without reason. But she would have a reason. A fake wand . Well that just confirmed it. You had done enough to report back to Uma.

Ya see you met up with Uma right after Mal had left and you had both agreed I would join her crew and so could my pirates, even if they terrified her crew. Between that time you and Uma could even have become...friends. You had a lot in common and your pirating ways matched hers perfectly.

You had also decided to meet up the next day before Mal and the VKs came for Ben so I could make sure he didn't escape before then.

~Your POV~

I walked through the Alleway and then continued my way to where Umas ship was. It wasn't too far away which was good for me. I walked through at least 2 streets, knocking over some stands, stealing from little kids before you had made it to the alleyways.

You had come to the exit to the alley and as you walked through it you saw a elderly woman. You had an apple In your hand and decided to give it to her.

"Here" she turned to face you as you held an apple out to her." Take it." I said shoving it in her face." Thank you!" She took it and began eating it as you turned on your heels.

"Wait miss! What was your name?" You turned around to face her with a smirk plastered on your face.

" (Y/N). (Y/N) Heart" you turned round and walked through the tunnel connecting the garage to the ship and stopped at the entrance.

"Here we go" I muttered stepping onto the wooden planks that overlooked the water below. You carefully walked across it as to not fall into the water.

"Uma!" You shouted hoping to find her. But instead you had found Hook, he had The King infront of him. From the look of it he was teasing him.

"That's enough Hookie" he turned to look at you surprised as his eyes widened and a smirk took over his face.

"Would ya look at that"

"No cause I can't look at myself" you deadpanned as he smiled.

"Oh and what a beautiful thing ya would see if yer could" you felt the heat rise to your cheeks.

"Tch whatever Hook" you said before walking over.

"Where's Uma" you asked.

"Hmm no idea" he replied while glancing at you.

"Ugh! Well when you see her tell her that she should test the wand before hand. I followed Mal the faker to Dizzys shop, I 'erd something bout a decoy and smoke bombs."

I said as I walked over to the side of the ship. Harry walked up behind you and looked over the railing.

"The water is beautiful and mysterious don't you think Hook?" Y/n said looking back at me.

"I couldn't agree more lass" You smiled slightly, it wasn't your usual scowl though it was genuine and this did not go unnoticed to the Scottish pirate as he watched you walk over to Ben.

"What do you see in Mal?" She asked him as I grew curious but look oblivious.

"Well she's smart, caring and pretty"

"Mhm yeah, ya see would a caring person promise to come back for you and give you the life you never got and then go and leave for 6 months never to come back until being over there becomes too much. Would a caring person leave you alone with no friends without even saying goodbye." Y/Ns sudden outburst shocked both Harry and Ben as they both felt some sympathy towards the girl

"Your Y/N right" Ben said looking at the (H/C).

"How'd ya know that." You said with annoyance in your voice.

"Evie talked about you a lot ya know. Always how she missed designing with you, how she couldn't wait to be with you. How good of a friend you were." You just scoffed.

"Well she obviously wasn't nice enough to return the favour" you said glaring at Ben as Harry watched at the sidelines feeling bad for the girl. He knew what it felt like to be alone.

"And I bet that Mal never thought about me once" you said while walking away.

"You should come back with me, to Auradon. Your good Y/N and you'd like it there!" You turned to face him with a few stray tears down your cheeks.

"Right, cause god forbid we are forced into being bad because of how others treat us. Having a good heart doesn't change the fact that before you met me you labelled me as a villain for another's actions . Well if you wanna treat me like a villain, then I'm gonna act like one."

You said grabbing you pirate hat and putting it against your chest before extending your left arm while your right hand that was carrying your hat was across your chest, your right leg crossed over your left as you bowed.

"Good day gentlemen" You said putting your hat on and turning on your heels your cape flowing behind you.

"Damn..." Harry said looking at your figure while you walked away.

~Y/Ns POV~

As I walked away my eyes fell onto Uma as I saw her walking over to the ship.

"Howdy stranger" you said making her look at you as she smiled.

" Hey Y/N" " Oh just so ya know Mal is gonna use a fake wand so make sure it works first." She just nodded.

"Yeah I expected her to pull something like this" you agreed knowing how much of a snake Mal used to be. Just when you and Uma were at the front of the ship you heard a car pull up and some whispers.

"There here!" You said so everyone could hear you.

" Gil you stay here! Harry take Ben to the plank! And Y/N you come with me!" You nodded and walked to the plank connecting the ship to the 'dock'. Just then your heard footsteps walk out from under the tunnel. There stood the VKs and a girl you have never seen before and... a dog.

"FINALLY!" Harry shouted as you giggled slightly as everyone turned there attention to you.

"Y-Yn" Mal said as she looked at you with tears in her eyes.

"Remember me" you chuckled

In The Dead Of Night (Harry Hook x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now