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"Uma??" You shouted whilst looking for the cove that you and Uma had found while trying to find a way out of the barrier together. "Y/N?!" Uma said emerging from underwater in her octopus form.

(That's the cove) "Hey

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(That's the cove)
"Hey." You said swimming up to her. "Oh thank god I thought you'd never get here" She said coldly probably because you made her wait for like a whole hour. "Well I'm sorry I got a bit lost." You swam up to one of the rocks and sat down. "So...when do we strike." You smirked. "Patient young one... our time will come" she said in a regal voice making you laugh. "I have a feeling this is gonna be a fun week" She smiled at you. "You got it seashell"

~On the Isle~ Harry's POV~
Oh my god I lost them. First capń then Y/N seriously mate. But they can take care of themselves...yeah. Yeah they can and I bet they'll turn up eventually.
~Gils POV~
I lost Uma.... And Y/N but I've liked Uma for a while now but I'm a bit too dumb to date her..plus I'm pretty sure she likes someone else. Y/Ns shy friend Elijah. They're made for each other...
~Meanwhile with the Villain Kids~ Mals POV~
This is what we've been waiting for. We had just finished a song and dance routine with the Isle and we were about to nominate the kids we had chosen to take back to Auradon with us. Evie walked up to the front holding her form in her hand with a huge smile on her face. She hung her hands from the edge of the railing and started.

"First, I would like to begin. With the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, Daughter of Drizella, my sweet sweet friend, my dizzy." Dizzy squealed in happiness.  As everyone cheered for her as she ran up the stairs and almost crashed into Evie before giving her a bone crushing hug. Evie closed her eyes and squeezed Dizzy back. Carlos was up next as he unfolded his paper. "Next, Son of Smee, c'mon Squeaky!" He said motioning for him to come over as Squeaky gave his dad a look that Smee returned with a encouraging one as Squeaky hesitantly walked over to Carlos. I saw his brother reach out to him. Awww. Everyone cheered and clapped for him. Carlos hugged Squeaky as he looked back at his brother with sadness. I heard Jay. "And no way we're splitting up the twins, so get over here Squirmy. Come on!" He said kneeling and patting the ground with a huge smile on his face. Squirmy looked at his dad as his dad made a motion for him to go. He walked over to Jay and hugged him. I guess it's my turn now.

"And last, but certainly not least, we all picked this girl because we all agreed she could use a little bit of fairy godmothers goodness class give it on up for Mr Facilliers daughter Celia!" I shouted as I pointed at her. She did a little twirl. "I'm back." Everyone cheered as she walked up the steps. "Ok guys pack your stuff cause we will be back to pick you up next week." I said excited. They nodded and ran off. We all walked down and headed to the limo. We got in and once we opened the barrier we had gotten the limo through the barrier once it was about to close I saw someone from the reflection of the window push their hand through it. I immediately got out recognising who it was... Hades. "I am a god! I don't belong here!" He shouted trying to push his way out. Purple smoke began covering me as I transformed into my dragon form. Hades eyes widened. I began blasting him with air as he pushed me back with his crystal. He was drowning my power so quickly, it hurt. I roared into the his face pushing his back sending him flying. I flex back down and back into my human form.

"Mal!" I heard Evie shout as she ran over to me. "Are you okay?" Ben asked me holding my waist. "N-no.... I could feel my power slipping away." I cried as he helped me walk back into the car where I rested my head back until we had gotten back to Auradon to be met with a crowd, a very angry and upset Audrey, and of course her crazy grandmother. I was guessing she was mad because of the engagement but anyways. Ben had helped me out the car as I wobbled my way into the castle. I walked in and immediately speed walked as fast as I could Into my room. When I had gotten there, there was something on my desk. It looked like..Umas shell. I walked over to it and grabbed it. How'd it get here.... I sat on my bed trying to find out how this had gotten here and why someone would put it here. Then it hit me. When Uma swam away the barrier was closed. She never went back in! I saw Harry and Y/Ns crew go back into the barrier but... OH CRAP! Y/N didn't go back either. I ran out my room and shouted as loud as I could. "Ben!" I screamed as I heard heavy footsteps run through the hallway. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I sighed as he panicked. "I'm fine but Auradon might not be..."

~Time skip~
~No ones POV~
"Every time we open the barrier we are exposed to danger, Uma Hades, Y/N!" The former king yelled. "What do you plan to do about it Ben." Ben stepped forward. "We have guards searching for Y/N and Uma and Hades is back where he belongs." The former Queen sighed. "What do you suppose we do Mal?" Mal had tears in her eyes as she stifled a sob. "Uh I think that there's only one way to guarantee the safety of Auradon. A-and I think that there can't be anymore going in and out" she finished as everyone lowered there heads. "I think that we have to close the barrier...forever." They all nodded except for Ben. He looked up with sadness in his eyes. He shook his head. "No..." He said turning around. "Son." His father called out. He walked away as Mal followed him. "Ben, hey. I do not want to take away your dream because it was so beautiful." She said looking into his eyes. " And it is why I fell in love with you. But as King and as Queen...what's our duty." She asked. "To protect Auradon." He said as his voice cracked slightly. Mal nodded with tears In her eyes. She kissed him on the cheek. "Well done Mal, you made the right decision" The former Queen nodded. "You will be a great Queen." Fairy godmother added. "Thank you..."

~Meanwhile in the Ocean~
"Well I found her.." You said looking back at Uma who was buying her nails. "Good.... Your ready?"
"Never been more ready In my life..."

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