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"Miss me Princess" Everyone stared at you in horror."I guess not even I can break the oh so powerful true loves kiss." You chuckled/giggled.
"Y-Y/N why" You just stared at her with a blank expression. "Why? Oh well when you decided to get all love-dovey with the Prince of AURADON! You left me and the rest of the kids on the isle to rot. I expected this from you Mal but Evie..." you looked over at her, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. "Y-Y/N I'm so sorr-" You held your hand up. "Stop, cause if you continue then...we'll then I'm gonna feel guilty for something I didn't even do. I mean you seriously forgot about me!" You sobbed out. "I mean it's not like I don't have any feelings." They all just stared at you with guilt and sorrow. You looked over at Ben and he just looked shook and looked extremely guilty. "And it's all your fault." Still looking at Ben. "If you had never taken away my friends than I wouldn't have had to do this...not like I wasn't going to do it anyway." You huffed and you crossed your arms.

"Anyways enough with the sob fest! Boys! Get them." On cue your crew emerged from the sides scaring everyone as they help there swords up to there necks. "You move. You said coldy.  Uma smiled and walked beside me. "Y/N Uma you don't have to do this, I've been there. I know you can change." Mal said walking closer to us. Uma just scoffed and jumped of the boat. You gasped and looked down. But after seeing her locket glow you knew she'd be ok. "Uma!" Mal said as Uma emerged. "Come on Mal, fight me!" She said as Mal got really mad and walked over to an open space on the boat with less people as purple gas surrounded her. She turned into a purple dragon with green eyes, she roared. Woah. '

You seeing this Venom' You said out loud making everyone look at you. Until, Ben roared like a freaking beast. Tch figures. He jumped into the water without warning after giving Carlos his jacket. "Well guess it's our turn Venom" You said. "You can swim right big guy." You chuckled "You underestimate me squirt?" He said. "Never buddy" Black goo covered your body as it took over your head changed into a huge alien with sharp point teeth and white oral eyes. Everyone gasped and stood back. "What wimps" You chuckled from inside.

Half of him dissolved showing half of your body, "So...can you swim?" He tched and jumped in after he covered you up. "Guys, Mal stop!" Ben shouted. "I know your better than this, Uma I know your better than this, Y/N you don't want to do this." You looked at him and sighed. "Yeah I guess. I mean I just want..." You thought for a second. "I just want..." Everyone looked at you, some in confusion, some in guilt and the rest in sadness and pity. "I- I don't know what I want." Uma looked at you in sadness.

~Umas POV~
I didn't know Y/N felt like that. I mean yeah everyone from the Isle is sad but..I know what I want, but she doesn't even know what she wants. I always wanted one thing, revenge. And the poor girl doesn't even know.
~Mals POV~
I had no idea that leaving had made her feel this way, I mean I thought that they would just forgot about us and not care about what was going on in Auradon. She was one of my best friends, and I should've known how this would've impacted her. I feel so bad.
~Bens POV~
I thought brining the four over would mean everyone would get along and that it wouldn't really impact anyone, I never thought how much I hurt the other people on the Ilse. I feel terrible, Y/N has a good heart I know, and she's really nice I can tell, this is why I wanted to bring people over but, I think I made a bad decision not bringing her over, she could be such a good person.
~Harry's POV~
I understand Y/N so well, we really have bonded over the past weeks and this makes me feel terrible for her, she's been so sweet to me and I have never 'ad this kind of connection before and it hurts me to see her like this, but I'm kind of wanting to be that thing that she's searching for and that she desperately needs cus I love 'er. Wait... I wot. No freakin way I've never loved anyone before.
~Back to your POV~
I thought that all this time I wanted revenge on Mal and the others but...I don't know what I want. I looked up at Harry as I stared him in the eyes, his ocean blue eyes that remind me of, home. I looked down at the water again. "I want..peace." They all looked at you, the King and Queen standing on the edge of the boat. This whole time I thought that Villains ruled and that peace wouldn't be possible but it the end...it is so worth it. No. Thats a lie, they would never let that happen. They'd lock us up the second they got us alone. But they don't need to know I know that....

"Yes! That's it! Peace" Ben said as Mal roared in agreement. You fake smiled to throw them of there track as Venom retracted back inside you and you began to tread the water around you. "Uma, I know your better than this just hand it over and everything will br fine." Ben told her looking at her. She hesitated for a moment as she looked down at her shell and ripped it of her neck. He swam closer to her as she dropped it into his hand. She had 'tears' in her eyes. She looked back at you with a smirk as she submerged herself underwater. This will all work out on way or another. Because

Hearts Always Win.

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