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Everyone had gone home that night but you couldn't stop thinking about that moment after you had been brutally stabbed by someone who later on became Shark food, how it healed you, how it talked to you and most importantly WHAT WAS IT! Needless to say you were confused and torn, could it just be a power that you got from your father or could it've been a demon. For all you cared it was gone and you wouldn't want it any...other...way. Or so you thought.

~Your POV~

I was walking home as fast as I could, I didn't want any distractions, any surprise burglary's or any contact with anything for that matter. You were alone in an alleway as you lent up against the wall to catch your breath...when it happened.

"Hello Y/N" WHAT WAS THAT. Where did that come from. I pushed myself of the wall as I looked around frantically to find the owner of the voice. "Who are you?" I asked quite skeptical.

"Well we... are venom" What did they mean we?

"Show yourself!" I said mentally cursing to myself under my breath for almost stuttering, I would never show fear to a complete stranger. Then something incredibly strange and extremely disturbing happened, a black monster like thing came out from your back, made of a black goo kind of texture.

I slapped my hand across my mouth to prevent the screaming trying to itch its way out of my lips. I slid down the alleyway wall. Yeah my crew was made of dead pirates with barnacles, tentacles, hell even a shark but this. He had shining white golden teeth (and that full on shocked me) sideways oval eyes that were almost the same shade as his teeth but a slightly grey colour, his skin was slightly separated. His long pink tongue. The discomfort in my eyes soon changed to curiosity.

~No one in particular~

"What do you want from me?" You asked completely confused but also quite intrigued. And what he responded with shocked you as chills ran down your back.

"I need a host, a strong one. Like Eddie" You swore you saw a tear " Me killed Eddie and I regret it, I needed a new host, ruthless yet kind" Woah woah woah KIND??

"You got the wrong person buddy, there is not a nice bone in my body." He just looked you in the eyes staring into your soul

" You're lying to yourself ya know. You care....And it appears you care a little bit more about a certain...someone"

You gulped, I don't care about anyone or anything! Especially not Harry!

"How did you know I was talking about the boy with the eyeliner" He said quirking his non existent eyebrow. You gulped.

"H-how'd you know that" Mentally cursing yourself for stuttering.

"We are connected now....you and me...we...are...Venom!"

~Your POV~ I was headed to Dizzy's place to get my hair dyed

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~Your POV~
I was headed to Dizzy's place to get my hair dyed. I loved my hair colour but I wanted to change the tips. Just like the very end. (You don't need to dye your hair if you don't want to btw, I'll just add a special feature if you don't want that)

I walked into the store when I heard the little bell ding as I walked in and saw some wannabe villain tormenting her and Dizzy just shaking in obvious fear. Poor Kid.

"Can I eat him?" You just shook your head vigorously "What no! Only way bad guys ok! And he's not that bad of a guy!" You replied. You saw him pull a gun out and aim it at Dizzys head. 'OH NO HE DID NOT! VENOM!" "On it"

(Skip to 1:11 and pretend it's Dizzy's shop)

"Y/N....What was that!" She asked as I just shook my head and replied

" I have a parasite." She just stood there and watched in both awe and terror.

"Anyways highlights can wait! I'll see ya soon!" You said as you ran out the store and then heard venom. Dizzy ran out after you, "HEY Y/N THAT WAS AGAINST THE RULES YA KNOW"

You just snickered  and replied "Since when did I ever obey the rules" You said before running of. "PARASTIE?!"

~Time Skip~

Ugh how am I going to get backkk! Oh I know!

"What do you know?" We can steal a motorcycle. During the short time you and Venom had known each other you had learned to communicate through your mind, ya know. So people wouldn't think I was crazy- er....

"There's one down this alleyway." 'How'd you know?'

"While I was trying to find a host I stayed here for a while" That makes sense. You turned to the corner and just like he had said there it was. Hah! It was a decent motorcycle. You hopped on it and threw the helmet to the side.

You flipped the engine switch and revved the engine for the fun of it before putting your feet on the side and twisting you hand as you took of down the road. You took some shortcuts to get back home quicker. Yeah last time I was late mum didn't feed me for a week-

You took a left and got onto a 'main road' that was when you saw 2 bikes coming your way and before you could turn away they came speeding at you as they hit your back and threw you against the floor with all of your bones cracked.

(SKIP TO 3:34)

"Nothing to see here!" Your chuckled as everyone ran away from you. You smiled at this since it still meant you had scared people like you used to.
"That was quite the show" you heard slow clapping.
"Hello Hookie"

In The Dead Of Night (Harry Hook x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now