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"Hey guys, I think I'm gonna take a quick detour. I'm pretty sure I saw something in the woods." You said as they all turned to you.

"Alright, do you want one of us to come with you?" Mal asked looking over at you.

"Oh no it's ok, I won't be long." You said with a small smile. She just nodded at your response.

"Be careful alright. And come back soon. Don't get lost" Mal said acting like your mother. You nodded and jogged of into the woods.

Once you had made it far enough to be out of earshot you saw Venom emerge from your side.

"So what did you want to discuss?" You asked a bit out of breath.

"I smelt something. Weird. Bad smell. Bad guy." Venom said while sniffing the air around him you began looking around to see if there was anything out of the ordinary. You kept searching before you came across , a few snapped twigs, some scattered leaves and a...footprint.

"Venom... come check this out." You said shakily. He began slithering out from your side but staying attached to you, he engulfed the print in his flesh.

"Fresh. Still new. Not too far. Bad guy. Female, boots. Princess" You gulped, whoever this footprint belonged too was still out there, and close by. You weren't scared but worried almost. You saw that following the print there was a trail of them. Why not.

You began walking firmly into the woods before a voice called out to you.

"Y/N!" A thick Scottish accent called as you heard the squelching of mud under his boots. "You ran off, I was so worried." He said slightly out of breath before regaining posture. "Why'd ya run off then aye?" He questioned.

"Sorry, I uh thought I saw something." You explained as you walked up to him and put your hand on his shoulder.

"This reminds me of when we first met, at yer boat. Ya almost killed me arm in that death grip." He chuckled. You smiled before gripping his arm and turning around.

"Well might as well catch up with the others." you said dragging him across the secret path you had discovered.

"Hey, we need to hang out more ya know" Harry said making you halt.

"Yeah, we uh we really should." You replied looking into his sky blue eyes.

"You have the most... amazing eyes." You said before he too look deep into your eyes as you stared back intently. Your breathing hitched. You closed your eyes and began too lean in. Then you heard someone clear their throat.

"Seriously Mal!" Uma said slapping Mals arm.

"They were so close as well!" Evie huffed as you chuckled.

"Tch idiots..." Venom said as he emerged from your neck.

"Hey! It's the black blob!" Uma laughed as she pounded a finger at him. He just rolled his eyes.... at least you think he did.

"Anyways, we should hurry. We think we know where Audrey is hiding." Mal said as we all nodded.

"Yes, let's do that." You nodded as you began walking with her.

Once you began walking Harry wrapped his arm around your shoulder and looked down at you.

"So uh, we should probably talk about that" He said awkwardly. You just nodded and looked up.

"Yeah.... I would like that." You said smiling up at him.

"Ooh, but before we do that, let's take this Audrey chick taken care of already." You exclaimed as Mal, Uma and Harry laughed at your remark.

"What do you say mate? Time to wrap things up?" You asked walking up to Mal and Evie and fist bumping both of them.

"You know, someday. Your gonna have to tell me how you guys teamed up." Ben said with his arm around Mal.

"Actually.." Evie butter in quickening her pace to catch up with you. "Mal promised to let the kids of the Isle when this is over." She finished while fiding her way to the left of you.

"Mal?" Ben asked as you gave him a weird look. He had disapproval in his eyes.

"I have to tell you guys something." Mal said turning around to face us. "Um, I lied to you." She said sighing.

"What do you mean you lied?" You said crossing your arms?" You really hoped it wasn't what you thought it was about.

"The kids won't be coming of the Isle." She said with tears in her eyes.

We all looked at each other. What about Dizzy, what about your mum and Celia won't ever be able to see her dad. You never even got to meet your own dad....

"What do you mean?" Jay asked in disappointed.

"The program has shut down." Mal answered with guilt in her voice.

"And.... the barrier... will be closed for good" She finished.

"Well that's just great..." You laughed as everyone turned to you.

"You realise what you just did right?" You said as she tried to say something but nothing came out.

"Right.. of course you don't. Since you got here you have been such a brat with all your 'oh look at me I'm a Princess' and your 'ugh being a villain is so wrong.' But you know what Mal, you are the worst villain of them all. Because you lie and you lie and you lie. And to think I actually trusted you, but now I'm never going to be able to see my own mother again. Neither will Celia, or dizzy. And the twins. But you have no idea what that feels like because you turned YOUR OWN MOTHER INTO A FREAKING LIZARD. And I never even got to meet my dad, and now thanks to you I probably never will." You finished as tears began flowing out your eyes.

You began walking of before throwing the ember on the ground as Mal rushed to try and get it but Uma stepped on it.

"I don't think you deserve this anymore, not after what you did to us." She said as she tossed the emeber behind her and Celia caught it.

You didn't even see or hear the rest because you had walked so far out of ear shot.

Once everything was over Harry and Uma came out the woods and Harry rushed over to you. He engulfed you in a huge hug.

You were crying, a lot. They had never seen you cry this much before. And it startled them.

Then Mal came rushing out of the woods since you heard her footsteps and voice echoing from behind you.

"Uma!" She shouted getting closer. Uma stood in front of you slightly. Mals eyes shifted to you and guilt rushed up to her face.

"Uma, stop please! Stop! " Mal screamed. "I need your help!" She said blocking your path.

"Well well done because we gave it to you and you lied so." You said wiping the tears of your face.

"Your friends finally kick you to the curb?" Uma said with a scowl. "Good" She growled as Harry kept his arm around you as he slightly pulled you into his chest.

"Ben saw something in you, you care Y/N! You care about everybody!" Mal said turning to you. You just glared at her.

"And Auradon is worth saving!" She said turning back to Uma.

"You talk pretty but.... they've already made up their minds." Harry said as he slightly pushed you back away from Mal.

"Ugh can't we just eat her?" Venom said as you snorted slightly.

"No!" You said

"But he made my squirt cry. I don't like it when squirt cry's." He continued. 'Awww' You thought.

"But still no." You said making him sigh in frustration.

"Fine" He huffed.

"But anyways you brought this on yourself." You said turning back to Mal.

"You figure out how to fix it." Uma added on.

"Let's go." She said grabbing your hand and taking you away as Harry followed suit.

Just then you heard a scream as you turned around and saw.....

In The Dead Of Night (Harry Hook x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now