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~Time Skip to Auradon~

When we had gotten into some sort of courtyard infront of a huge fancy building but everyone there seemed to have been sleeping... perculiar.

"They're asleep" Evie pointed out confusion in her voice.

"Everyone..." she continued.

"I can't get Ben." Mal said vaguely while walking ahead.

"Or Dizzy, Or Doug. Or Jane" Evie mentioned and then Carlos too.

"Signals out" He said.

"Is that Auradon Prep?" Celia pointed out while literally pointing to the building in front of us. Damn.

"Yeah and when everyone wakes up your gonna love it" Carlos said smiling and still trying to connect the rectangle thing in his hand to something called 'wifi'. Celia stared in shock.

"Wow..." You said walking behind Celia. She turned to face you. She smiled brightly at you like she hadn't seen you 3 minutes ago.

"Cmon kid let's go  and break this curse so we can finally hang out!" You said pretending to sound exhausted which you kinda were. She sent you one of her signature smirks before grabbing your hand and practically dragging you across to where the others where.

"Everything is ..." Gil started.

"Freaky" Jay said excepting that to be what Gil said but in fact it wasn't.

"Green!" Gil said catching Jay off guard.

"You have leaves on your trees! And what are those coloured things on the bushes?" Gil asked excited.

"Oh wow they do have leaves." You ran over to them as you went over to Gil and Jay.

"Uh...flowers" Jay said clearly confused.

"Flowers are pretty." Now everyone was looking at you really confused. Well except Uma, Harry and Celia.

"Cantaloupe!" Gil exclaimed grabbing a bowl of weird shaped things and downing it.

"Y/N you have to try this!" He said holding out 2 for you. You shrugged as if you say 'why not?' Then you ate it. Your eyes practically rolled to the back of your head.

"Oh...my... GOD! This is amazing. And it's fresh!" You chuckled as Gil nodded in agreement.

"We don't have any fresh fruit on the isle remember." Uma said as Jay turned back to the two of you. He looked at you with sympathy and also agony since he had once been in that position.

Meanwhile with Harry- 'Oooo... I believe I deserve some compensation for my muscles, my wile and my role in this endeavour." He said making you snicker.

"You do, me not squashing you like a big." Jay said making you growl at him. Harry turned to look at you with a smirk.

"He's not scared of you Jay" You said walking up to him.

"Guys!" Mal and Uma said at the same time making the three of you look over to where they were. You scoffed and began walking.

Just then you heard Carlos call for a 'dude' making you turn back in curiosity. You then saw the dog that had the ability to talk. Cool.

"Dude...really" Carlos said after Dude had eaten someone's lunch.

"What it wasn't me I swear!" A really high pitch voice s reached making you cringe.

"Ok it was me." He said in a calmer voice making you take your hands away from your ears.

"Hey dog... do you know what happened here." You asked walking back over to them and crouching down.

In The Dead Of Night (Harry Hook x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now