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Having no idea exactly where she intended on going, Jane had only one conscious thought, which was to get the hell away from her mate's car. Her logic was the further she fled the less she'd have contemplate the idea of her best friend stabbing her in the back.  

Jane didn't even know where the car had pulled over to, all she knew was that whatever forest she'd blindly ran into was dark and cold and her emotions were making her lose control.  

Not being able to control the change, she shifted into her wolf, already regretting not at least attempting to ditch her clothes as she stood on all four paws in a pile of shredded fabric. Shaking her fur out, she tilted her head and howled up at the shimmering moon, feeling liberated from her problems as she took on the form of her wolf.  

She took off at a sprint, not wanting to have to think about Elle betraying her. Didn't want to question her motive or wonder if Mike was against her also, but her mind strayed and as she travelled through the forest lit dimly by the setting sun, she could think of nothing more than what Levi had just told her.  

She was so caught up in these thoughts that a menacing growl from behind her caught her off guard. Turning she was shocked at the gigantic size of the tan-coloured wolf stalking towards her, a threatening growl emerging past his snarling teeth. She was completely terrified but her wolf, wasn't up to being submissive and she stood her ground. 

As the wolf came closer, she was able to properly pick his scent apart from the unfamiliar forest they'd been surrounded in and she wasn't surprised to find it was her mate. She wasn't sure whether this fact should further scare her or make her feel relieved, he did look pretty mad...  

And if the way he was snarling at her was any indication, she should probably stop trying to discretely move away from him. 

Suddenly he pounced on her, pinning her to the ground, shifting in the process. His darkened eyes bore into her as he commanded, "Shift." 

Not wanting to piss him off anymore she adhered his request and shifted back into her human form, struggling to push him away from her. 

"Can't breathe." She struggled to say, pointlessly trying to shove him off her. He leaned his weight onto his arms but didn't get off her entirely as he asked, "You going to run away again?" 

She looked away from him, annoyed with herself for not being able to get away from him. She didn't want to talk to anyone now, especially her irritating mate of all people, couldn't he tell she just wanted to be left alone? 

"I'm not letting you go until you promise me that you're not going to blindly run off again."  

"I just want you to leave me alone," she admitted folding her arms across her chest, as she suddenly realized both of them were as naked as the day they were born and felt her face heat up just as Levi said, "Well too bad for you that's not happening." 

Jane gritted her jaw in annoyance, sick to death of Levi thinking he can just order her around like she's some kind of pet.  

"Its honestly kind of funny that you think I'm just going to obey you." 

He scoffed, "You know what is funny, I didn't think you were the type of girl to just run away from her problems and here you are ambling about in an unknown area." 

"Well put yourself in my shoes," Jane snapped looking back up into his eyes, her own filling with tears, "My entire life I've grown up with everyone in the pack either terrified of me, or pitying me. The one person who I thought was my friend has just gone and stabbed me in the back and you're expecting me not to freak out?!" 

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