32 Unlikely Friends

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Jane would often describe her relationship with Wendy as rocky. She and her older sister had never really gotten along all that well, the seven year age difference was probably a reason that they weren't that close, but the main reason was probably that Jane was only Wendy's half-sister.

Being the physical evidence of their father's cheating, Jane can see why Wendy never really took an immense liking to her, but at the end of the day they were still sisters. Their father's blood ran through both of them, and seeing her older sister laying in the hospital bed with the weight on her shoulders, Jane didn't hesitate to rush over to Wendy and just hold her.

This was her fault.

Somehow Ronan had figured out that Wendy was her sister and used that to hurt Jane in the worst possible way- by going after her sister.

Jane felt her mouth opening and closing, wanting to scream for everything that Ronan did, vow to hunt him down and kill him for the horrible thing he had done, tell Wendy that this was her fault. But she couldn't form a single word, she couldn't bring herself to say anything that would make Wendy hate her forever.

Like a coward, she let silent tears fall down her face to match those of her sisters.

"I'm sorry." Jane whispered on a shaky breath.

Never had she felt so pathetic in her life, so helpless- useless.

She stayed for barley over an hour, not another word spoken between them. Their sobbing silence broken by a nurse, who informed Jane that her sister would need sleep for a full recovery.

Waving to her broken sister, Jane could feel her heart shrinking in her chest and as she came face to face with her grief-stricken parents she felt more tears come in her eyes. They were a strong family, they'd been through a lot together, they'd been through Clare together. But this was different.

Although it would affect them all, there was nothing any of them could do for Wendy she would have to break through the mental destruction caused by Ronan all on her own.

Her dad gave her a sad smile that didn't reach his eyes as he questioned, "You okay, sweetie?"

Why was he asking about her? This wasn't about her this was about her sister. Yes the fact that Levi had walked in the room with her had stolen her parent's attention. It's not every day their daughter strolls around with their Alpha and under different circumstances she would've been heavily questioned by her parents. But now was not the time to be worrying about Jane.

"I'm fine, dad. How're you and mom holding up?"

Her dad nodded whilst her mom continued to dab at her eyes with tissues, it was awful seeing her parents like this and Jane knew once they found out about Clare... she couldn't even think about that right now. But soon she'd have to tell them.

She'd have to tell her parents that it was her fault that her sister had been targeted by Ronan and she'd have to tell them it was her blood that had brought Clare back to life.

"Why don't you go home, sweetheart?" Her dad sweetly asked her and for some reason Jane's eyes shot to Levi, who was still refusing to look at her, his jaw clenched and arms folded as he stared at his tapping feet.

She had no idea what was going on in that head of his, but for some reason his attitude towards her had taken a complete one eighty. Whatever she'd done to make him revert to being such a jerk she truly had no idea. Honestly she was shocked he even wanted to come into the hospital with her considering he seemed so put out at the ordeal of having to take her here in the first place.

"Are you sure you and mom are going to be okay, if I go?"

She wanted to be here for her family, but she couldn't look at any of them and not feel an incredible amount of guilt and shame. Not to mention, Peter was still passed out back in Levi's apartment and when he woke up she'd have to tell him what Ronan had done to their sister.

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