42 Remember (Part I)

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So after reading a lot of your guys' comments on the last chapter I realized that so many of you were confused by the ending so here's what you need to know before you read this one.

1) Alice Oden IS JANE'S PAST SELF so yes, she's a new character technically

2) This chapter is technically in the POV of Alice

3) Jane & Alice are the same person. If this confuses you remember that Alice is Jane in the past.

4) Levi, Luke & Anouchka will appear in this chapter but with different names. At the end of the chapter I'll reveal who is who in case some of you want to try and guess then I won't ruin the surprise for you ;)



As Alice slowly rouse from her sleep, she sat up and looked around not at all sure where she was. It wasn't until she saw the familiar beauty of the Huxton pack lands that she felt her mind settle and become at ease. The pack hadn't been her home for more than a month but she felt as though she'd always truly belonged here.

Standing to her feet she saw that she must've taken a short nap beside the well – why that was she had no idea, but she couldn't come up with any explanation. As the only human in the pack she often found it increasingly harder to keep up with the wolves that seemed to be able to run around her in circles. Not to mention she hadn't been feeling too well lately.

Leaning over into the well, she hauled up the bucket and threw a bit of water over her tanned face. She wasn't a beauty by anyone's standards but she'd grown into her features with grace. She was eighteen with long, blonde hair; sharp, grey eyes and a body that was quick to show how well fed she was. Her parents had always made sure she had been healthy and taken care of, but her new husband adored her and wouldn't let her even think about going hungry.


She smiled to herself, as it seemed that merely thinking about her husband made him appear. Looking over her shoulder she watched Daniel Jaxon run towards her with all the strength, power and grace of the Alpha werewolf he was. She'd had no idea such fanciful creatures even existed until he began to court her three months ago and explained that she was his soulmate.

His dark eyes ran over her in worry and as he gently held her at arm's length so he could look over her, panic expressed clear across his handsome masculine features. Alice reached up and moved away some of his dark hair out of his dark eyes and she smiled up at him as she asked innocently, "And what is it that has you so troubled my dear husband?"

He shook his head at her playfully, "No one had seen you for almost a half hour, I was beginning to worry. Is everything okay? Do you still feel ill?"

She giggled at his blatant concern for her, it made her insanely happy that he cared so much about her. In the day and age that she lived in it wasn't very common for a man and a woman to wed for the sake of love. Lucky for her, her parents had been well enough off to give their only daughter a handsome dowry and in turn it meant she was able to marry Daniel Jaxon who was the lord of the great Huxton estate. Although, now that she knew about the werewolf world she supposed he was just the Alpha and this was his land.

"I am fine Daniel you mustn't worry about me so much," recently she had been feeling a little under the weather but she hoped that with a little fresh air and sunshine it would pass. She couldn't be coped up in her bedchamber all day,

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