Vigilante Justice

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Zane's POV:

Approaching the place, with my sports bag in my hand, I could spot Ro standing outside and smoking a cigarette. She was just casually leaning against the wall in her biker attire. Guess she wanted to show flag around her gang.

"Hey there, Sexy. The boys were getting anxious already." she chuckled as I came close to her.

"They ain't that subtle about it." I told her with a nod to the bar, where the gang members could be heard making a ruckus already.

She gave me a once over and held out her cigarette, "Want a drag? You seem pent-up."

I took it from her with a shrug and took a long draw from it. Closing my eyes, I mentally prepared for what I was about to do and handed the cigarette back. I walked to the door and put on my former signature smirk that had this perfect, subtle amount of malice in it. Clearing my voice before, I grabbed a hold of the door's handle.


With a wide swing and much force, I opened the door inside and let go of it, so it slammed against the wall. As expected, all eyes inside the room turned to me. The bikers stopped their roughhousing and just looked over. The barkeep seemed a bit pissed I didn't care about his inventory like that. There were five chairs with men bound to them and sacks over their heads. I was just guessing they also were looking towards the noise.

"Good evening gentlemen. I'm sorry you had to wait on me, but now the entertainment can start." I addressed them all with a smile and walked over to an empty table where I placed my bag down.

"It seems we have more guests than I expected tonight." I said while nodding to the hostages.

"They decided to bring backup the second time they came. Apparently they smelled the trap. Didn't help to escape, though." Ro stated calmly and sat down beside the bag on the table.

I nodded and approached Ray to rip the sack from his head, "Let's see what lies beneath douchebag number one."

He was gagged and already had a few bruises, but as soon as he saw me his eyes widened in fear, and he became immensely nervous, "Hello, Ray. Long time no see."

My playful voice just seemed to make him afraid of me even more, which made me chuckle, "You know. In the past I thought you were smart, but for some reason you keep on making stupid decisions. Like wanting to attack my pregnant girlfriend and not even having the balls to face me while doing so."

I ripped the tape from his mouth and he was quick to speak up, "Andrei I ... it wasn't my idea. Sledge thought we could-"

I slapped him harshly across the face and leaned down closer, "Spare me your fucking whining, Ray. I don't care what that raisin like brain of yours thought. You made a mistake and during tonight's events you will pay for them dearly. There is only one thing that you did right, and that was stopping this idiot over there from killing her."

I stood up straight and pulled the sack from Sledge's head, "Rise and shine, Sledge."

He looked up and glared at me with pure hatred in his eyes, and I just smirked down before ripping the tape from his mouth.

"You freaking coward. Cut me free from my binds and face me like a man." he shouted and struggled against his binds to no avail.

"Coward? Now, that's funny coming from the man who waited for my pregnant girlfriend to be alone before attacking her. And even then you needed the backup of that little sissy of a friend of yours." I leaned down closer to look straight into his eyes, "If you really were as much of a tough guy as you want to be, you would have faced my wrath instead of running away with your tail between your legs."

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