Ch 16 : Fear and Battle

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"Finally ! we got some goods , lately they raised security so we didn't have any luck!" The other man said as his eyes laid on the girls in the group.

"Oi! Did ya give them ?" The man with the chin scar asked as he directed his eyes to Linda.

"Should be any minute now." Linda replied.

Ruby and Willow were trembling. Everyone was scared. Elio was standing in front of Ruby to shield her from those men, even though his own legs were shaking. Jasper and Lifa although were scared but they quickly understood the situation and were slowly taking out their daggers hidden in their jackets. They were looking at Gunther for the signal to start fighting.

'Two men... They have knifes with them.. they have a strong build too ... and who knows if there are other people outside.. Damn it.. Will, Ruby , Eli and Wins can't fight... leaving Me , Cad , Lifa and Jazz as the only ones who can... Oh wait there's Linda too... Does she have a weapon?... what if they capture us? what if we get separated? DAMN IT !! this is all cause I was too careless! I should've been careful , I shouldn't have brought them here during such a dangerous time. But I thought that with all the recent events ... some good food might cheer us up... but I was so stupid. Arion-'

Cadell suddenly put his hand on Gunthers shoulder and whispered.
"Jeez.. relax.. We're all gonna be safe at the end of this.. I promise. " Cadell reassured him and although Willow was scared, she gripped tighter on Gunthers hand. '

Gunther regained his confidence and began inspecting the bakery for something he could use as a weapon. Cadell already had a wooden broom behind him which he intended to use as a weapon, he suddenly felt someone staring at him. He looked around to see Winslow looking at him.

"What? are you scared too? want big brother to hold your hand ??" Cadell whispered teasingly.

"No , Not really. I was just thinking that you're finally acting your age. " Winslow whispered back.

"Hey!-" Cadell whisper shouted but was cut by a small and quiet chuckle.

"Agreed." Willow stated about Winslows words after giving a small chuckle.

'Hmph , welp at least you're smiling now. ' Cadell thought as he smiled while gazing at Willow.

"OI Ya Brats ! What're ya whispering amongst yere selves! " The chin scarred man shouted at them.

"NOW! " Gunther yelled.

Lifa and Jasper pulled out their daggers and went into their fighting positions. Cadell picked up the broom and Gunther picked up some other broom. Ruby , Elio , Winslow and Willow hid behind them.

"Cocky lil' brats, ya think yer sooo strong ehh? kekeke" The man laughed as he and the other guy took out their knives as well.

"LIFA! JASPER! " Gunther shouted.

Lifa and Jasper both ran and attacked the man from opposite directions. The man dodged Lifa's attack, but Jasper closed in enough to stab him in the abdomen but was interrupted by the second man.

Gunther joined in on the fight and decided to hold off one of the men while those two took care of the other. Cadell was protecting the others who couldn't fight and keeping an eye on Linda.

The two men seemed like mere kidnapping thugs but their fighting skills were similar to mercenaries.

The clanging of knives could be heard throughout the bakery. Jasper and Lifa were overpowering the man whom they were facing. They moved in sync and attacked from different positions and their speed, especially Jasper's was one to be feared.

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