Ch 9 : Caught !

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After Arius teleported back

'I'm tired. Using magic in a series is still hard for me. I can use two basic spells together but teleportation really drains me. '


It was sometime after sunset. Unfortunately,  Arius had some classes scheduled for before dinner. Politics and History of Obelia. The most annoying subjects of his life. He hates them from the core of his heart. Surprisingly he was good at everything else. Probably because he had been a great student in his past life and studied thoroughly.  He even went overboard and did extra study on the topics he was taught so he could be stand out in class and make a positive impact on the teachers so they praise him in front of his parents.

He was great at the languages of the other empires and kingdoms. He already knew most of the arithematic since he learned it in his previous life. The sciences they taught were almost the same as from his previous life, Only the names of the people who invented those theories and some other information was different. Politics and History of Obelia on the other hand. He was never interested in Politics and History was his worst subject even back in his previous life. He wanted to refuse learning those subjects as he didn't enjoy them but, being a prince is tough.

"Brother! where had you been all this time!?"

Arius, who was coming out of the Amethyst Garden, flinched.

"I already searched the Garden and you weren't there! " 

Arius gulped.

"Uh..Athy , is anyone else searching for me?" Arius asked anxiously

"...Nope! Madam Pompidou's health became unsteady as such my mid-afternoon dance lessons were cancelled. I've been searching for you since then! I didn't tell anyone but I was still worried!!"

Arius hugged Athy.


'If dad found out I was missing he'd increase security around me and I wouldn't be able to leave.'

Athy was a bit confused by the sudden hug but knew she was right about him not being at the Palace. 

'Athy's a reincarnate too so It'll be fine if I tell her!'

"Athy, This is going to be secret between us okay!" He whispered in her ears. He held her hand and took her in the garden. 

"So lately , I've been using magic to teleport into the city." Athy's jaw dropped

"Can you really use magic like that?!" Athy asked in shock.

Arius chuckled. "Of course, but it does drain me"

"I wanna go to the city too!" Athy demanded

"About that... Lately some slave traders have been wandering around. They mostly kidnap children and sell them. If they found my adorable sister they'd most likely want to kidnap you so No. " 

"But that's dangerous for you too brother!"

"I know but you see, I've found a group children whose friend got kidnapped by them, and they're being reckless and trying to save their friend. Those kids can't use magic and worst case scenario they get caught too, so I'm gonna keep an eye on them."

Athanasia tried processing all this information. There was silence for a moment as the little princess was in deep thought.

"...Dad's probably gonna do something about the slave traders soon anyways. Why don't you tell Felix about the children? He's leading the search, he can search around the area their friend got kidnapped and you can tell him to keep an eye out for the kids." Athy suggested. 

The Prince (WMMAP FanFic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora