Ch 14 : Slave Traders (4)

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Afternoon At the Base

They had eaten their breakfasts and currently Elio and Ruby were washing the dishes. Lifa and Jasper were cleaning the table. Winslow was reading a book to Willow , as Winslow was the only one who knew how to read. Gunther and Cadell were sitting on the couch, deciding what to do about Mia.

"Nothing's working... We've been searching for her but... We can't find a single clue! " Gunther loudly stated so that everyone could hear it.

"Its too early to give up. We should sear-" Lifa tried to comfort him.

"We have been searching. But no clues or hints. If we keep doing this, someone else might get caught... " Gunther said .

The whole room became stressed, everyone was worried about Mia and wanted her back into their family.

"I won't-" Jasper was cut off by Cadell.

"Hey!!! I REALLY REALLY wanna eat those cookies from the bakery!! Let's go!!" Cadell shouted

Suddenly everyone's faces lit up , Ruby and Elio were excited to visit a bakery that Cadell had been praising non-stop. Lifa was interested in the bakery too as well as the twins. But the one most looking forward to this was obviously none other than Cadell.

The tension faded away and they all decided to visit the bakery.


At The Palace (during the evening)

Arius went out for his evening stroll like he normally did. He took a walk around the Amethyst Garden while holding a book in his hands. After glancing at his surroundings for a while , Arius opened the book and sat on a bench in the garden. He began reading it and then stretched out his hand in front of him. He closed his eyes and after a few seconds a fireball could be seen floating above his hand.

Arius was overjoyed by this. He stood up and then transformed the fireball into an orb of water but it burst all over him. He then turned the pages of the book to reach a certain page and read it and afterwards dried his clothes.

He seemed happy learning magic. From the bushes, two grown men spied on the child as he experimented his spells and became happier each second.

"See Your Majesty! His highness has always been coming here during this time and practicing magic!" Felix exclaimed as he looked at Arius.


"Oh I know!" Arius exclaimed

Felix looked at Arius hopeful.

"Bring Dad here tomorrow at evening. I'll be practicing some magic spells here and you can tell him that I'd been practicing magic today as well." Arius explained.

Felix was thinking whether it would work or not.

"And the reason why I'm secretive about it is because I wanted to surprise him with it... well do you think it'll work? "

"I can't say for sure Your Highness, but it's worth a try."

"It all depends on your acting skills Felix. You have to convince him."

"I-I'll try my best Your Highness. " said Felix.

Flashback End

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