Ch 6 : Bonding

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"I didn't give you permission to leave." 

A voice from behind the curtains made it's way to Arius's ears. Arius froze and turned back to see Claude opening the curtains with one hand and staring at him. 

Arius gulped. 

"Is there anything you need from me?" Arius questioned

"You're too far, come closer." Claude signaled Felix to bring the prince near him.

"I can walk on my own." Arius said and began walking towards Claude.

"Ho... weren't you sick a few days ago?" Claude smirked and Arius flinched.

"If I hadn't already recovered, I wouldn't be standing here."

By now Arius was close enough to Claude. 


"Well? What do you want from me?" Arius said with an annoyed look.

"Mind your tone." Claude said in a cold tone as his eyes shone a bright blue whilst glaring at the prince. The atmosphere became tense and Felix became worried. 

Arius stared right back at Claude with his usual cold eyes and blank expression. The staring competition lasted two minutes before Claude began 

"As you stand before me , do you know who I am?" 

"As I've said before, you are my fath-" Arius was cut by Claude

"Wrong. " Arius looked at him annoyed. 

"As of right now , you are in front of the Emperor of Obelia, and yet you dare show such insolence, boy ."  Claude said. 

"Insolence? Hah! then oh so great emperor of Obelia , if you would please enlighten this boy as to what sort of insolence he has shown before you. " Arius said as sarcastically as he could. Claude frowned.

Claude had a pretty scary expression on his face. The atmosphere became tense and Felix was about to intervene. Athanasia too had woken up because of the tension in the atmosphere, but no one noticed her. She rubbed her eyes and then analysed the situation. 

"Arius De Alger Obelia. You are to reside in Jade Palace from now on, alone. Once you have reflected upon your behavior and realized your insolence towards me, I might change my decision." 


Arius's face went pale. Athanasia from inside the curtains forgot to breathe for a moment and Felix stood beside them looking shocked. After gaining his composure back Arius said

"I refuse."

Claude's jeweled eyes became bright with amusement and annoyance. His boldness and lack of fear resembled that of his mothers' and at the same time his denial of Claude's orders annoyed him.

"Your Majesty , I have been meaning to ask you a question if I may?" Arius said politely.

"You may not." Claude said bluntly. But Arius ignored him .

"do you have any interest in me?" Arius's curious jeweled eyes met Claude's cold ones.  

Claude suddenly had a strange look on his face and his eyes had become wider at Arius's question. Athanasia noticed Claude had the same look on his face when she remarked about 'Lippe Tea' a few days ago. 

Arius realized something was off but ignored it and continued. 

"I wish to leave the Palace. You already have Athanasia as your heir, therefore I believe my existence isn't quite needed here. And upon my observation, I don't think you have any interest in this insolent brat and so I will disappear from your sights." 

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