Ch 13 : Slave Traders (3)

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But to his shock the figure that crawled out from the bushes wasn't that of a small girl but a grown man. It was...








a red head!


The red-head came out of the bushes and he had a grim expression on his face. He looked Arius straight in the eye and asked in an extremely serious tone.

"Your Highness, Where were you?"

Felix someone who would usually be beaming and smiling for the first time showed Arius his dark side as the knight of the emperor. He looked serious , worried and cold. Arius subconsciously began to tremble slightly. Felix was a grown man and although he was merely concerned for Arius's wellbeing, in the viewpoint of Arius , he seemed as If he was boiling with anger and seconds away from hitting him. He began to have flashes of his past life.

Felix noticed Arius trembling. He raised his hand and brought it close to Arius's shoulder.

"Your Highne-"

Arius out of reflex flinched and slapped Felix's hand away and shouted "STAY AWAY FROM ME! "

Felix was surprised. He became quite worried from this and slowly reverted back to his usual self. He kneeled down to Arius and apologized

"Forgive me for my impolite behaviour. I will not touch you without your permission... so please your highness... please stop trembling"

Arius flinched again he looked at Felix and saw no ill will in his eyes. He felt stupid for thinking Felix would actually raise his hand against him. He recomposed himself , took a few deep breaths and then said

"No , Its my fault for overreacting. Anyhow, Felix I'm aware you have many questions regarding my absence , but I'm afraid I have classes so I'll have to go now." Arius said as he began walking past Felix

"Your Highness , with all due to respect , your safety is more important than your classes. If you were somewhere dangerous, then I will have to report it to His Majesty and your classes should be the least of your concerns right now. " Felix replied without turning back.

"Did Dad ask you to keep an eye on me? "

Felix nodded. Arius ran back up to Felix and made his puppy eyes.


"Eh!? Your Highness, You know I can't do that, I'll be executed for treason , if I lied to His Majesty. And... I'm also worried about your recent activities... "
Arius took a moment to think whether he could trust Felix or not.

"....Okay. So I've only been teleporting to the capital city during the evening. I just wanted to explore the city a bit."

"Your Highness.. you shouldn't go outside without a guard..Lately slave traders have been kidnapping children , what if you ever got caught up in that mess...? " Felix kneeled to Arius and looked at him with concerned eyes.

"But I'm safe right now. Next time I'll take you with me. "

Felix gave a big smile to Arius.

"But Felix , you know how much overprotective Dad is , If he finds out about this then he'll forbid me from even leaving Ruby Palace. I promise nothing bad will happen to me during this... so please keep this a secret."

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