Chapter 16

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All I'm going to say is, this chapter is going to be juicy. Lol, enjoy!

2 August

0300 hours

Ben's POV

I couldn't believe we were playing truth or dare at three in the morning, who does this?

Anyways, I wasn't only tired, but nervous too. All because of Zoe and Mike.

When we came in to the girls room, Zoe and Mike pulled me away from them. They explained their plan and Zoe said that this was the perfect opportunity to make Erica jealous. 

"Zoe doesn't even have to do anything," Mike whisper-yelled. "We can use Jessica because she obviously likes you."

"Um, I don't think that's such a good idea..." I said. "Don't worry, leave everything to me and Zoe, just play along and by the end of this mission, you'll be hooked up with the Ice queen." 

Even though every cell in my body screamed, worry!!! Mike made it sound so believable. I sighed and gave in. "Ok, let's go already, the others might get suspicious."

Zoe leaned into my ear and whispered, "when you get asked truth or dare, remember, choose dare."

Before I had the chance to reply, she was already walking away, back to the others. I suddenly had a really bad feeling about this plan, but it was to late to change it now. Reluctantly, I followed her.  

So, here I was, sitting next to Zoe and Jessica. With Jessica to my left and Zoe to my right. Erica narrowed her eyes every so slightly at me when she saw this, nobody else noticed though. 

We started out normally, with Jawa asking Chip 'truth or dare'. He responded with 'dare' and Jawa dared him to go to the lobby of the hotel and flirt with the clerk. I stifled a laugh at that.

Chip glared at Jawa, but he obeyed. 

5 minutes later, he came back with a red mark on his face. Mike, Jawa, Zoe and Jessica burst out laughing. Even Erica smiled a little. I couldn't laugh though, I couldn't help think that I would be in way worse condition if this night went wrong. 

Chip sat down, rubbing his cheek. "Truth or dare?" He asked Mike, who was sitting next to him.

"Dare," he replied confidently. 

"I dare you to pull Erica's hair," 

Mike paled, any bravado he had immediately dissipated. He turned to Erica, she had an eyebrow raised. (ngl, she looked hot) Mike got up and took one timid step towards her, approaching her like a wild animal, a vicious wild animal who might pounce at any second and rip you to pieces. 

He took another step and Erica said, "you know if you do that, you'll be dead within a minute right?" He gulped, but instead of backing down and switching to truth, he quickly ran up to her, and yanked her hair. Apparently, in the mind of my crazy best friend, being labeled a coward was worse then being killed. At least the coward would live. 

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see what happens next. Everyone else followed my lead. I heard cries of pain and finally, I couldn't stand if anymore. I couldn't just sit around while my best friend was being beat up, by my crush no less.

I got up and grabbed Erica's hands in mine, just as she was about to pound Mike. I don't know who was more surprised, me, Erica or Mike. His face changed from fearful, to mischievous. He gave me a thumbs up, and promptly ran to the other side of the room, trying to get as far away from Erica as possible.

She was about to give chase, but I kept a firm grip on her hands. "Come on Ben," she said, "let go of me." 

I shook my head. For some reason, I felt awfully confident. Normally, I would've been terrified of Erica and backed down by now. "No," I said, firmly. "You don't get to beat up Mike." 

"Please?" She asked. I shook my head again. "Ugh, fine," she said. Then, she ripped her hands out of mine and returned to her spot on the bed. 

I didn't realize how close I was standing to Erica until she walked away. Before that, our noses were basically touching. 

Zoe, Chip and Jawa were looking at me in awe. They started clapping and shaking their heads in disbelief. 

"Did you just charm the Ice queen?" Jawa asked me. I blushed and went back to where I was sitting, in between Zoe and Jessica. I noticed Jessica had kept quiet during the whole incident. When I sat down, she leaned into me slightly. I pretended not to notice. 

"Let's continue shall we?" Mike offered from across the room.


The game went on smoothly until it reached me.

"Ben, truth or dare?" Zoe asked. 

There wasn't really a choice. Zoe was only asking me for the sake of the others, she told me to choose 'dare' in our talk earlier. 

I gulped. "Um, da-dare," I said nervously, afraid of what was to come. Zoe grinned, then she said out loud, "I dare you to kiss Jessica." 

Uh oh.

Jessica looked excited, the others were looking at me expectantly. I turned to look at Erica, who had her 'emotionless' face on, so I couldn't tell what she was thinking. 

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, then I did it, I kissed Jessica Shang.

Erica's POV

As Ben and Jessica's lips connected, I felt a surge of anger, at Zoe for asking Ben to do the stupid dare, at Ben for actually following through with it and especially at Jessica because she had a crush on Ben.

He pulled away after 2 seconds and I could tell he kind of enjoyed it. 

That only made me angrier. 

It must have shown on my face because Jawa noticed my anger and made a remark.

"Hey Erica, you jealous much?" He taunted. 

Big mistake. 


A minute later, I kicked everybody out of the room and locked the door behind them. I buried my head in the pillows and sighed.

What was wrong with me? I asked myself. I wasn't usually this emotional. Maybe it's because you love him. The normal part of me thought.

I unlocked the door and let the girls in, they were waiting outside, the boys had already left for their room. 

I just pushed past them and ran to the elevator. I didn't have to change because I was still wearing my spy suit. I was going to just go out for a little jog to let off a little steam. 

I had to run past the boys room because it was the only way to the elevator. Just my luck, as I was walking past, Ben exited the room. 

He looked surprised to see me, but he got over it quickly. 

"I was just going to come look for you," he said. I kept quiet.

"I want to show you something," He raised his hand for me to take it.

When I still didn't reply, he tried the puppy eyes. I snorted.

"Sure," I said, taking his hand.

This was a fun yet short chapter to write. Hope you enjoyed, bye.                    

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