Chapter 13

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Warning, this chapter will have blood and torture. I don't think it will be too bad but it your uncomfortable with this type of things, you can skip those parts. I will write in bold from where it starts and when if ends to tell anyone who skipped that it's safe to read again. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Btw, just reached 700 reads, I don't know how many it will get to over time, but for now, I happy with is number. Enjoy!



Erica's POV

I woke up in a dark room. I tried to move my arms and legs, but I quickly found out that they were tied up to a chair.

My eyes adjusted to the dark and I could see around myself a lot better. The room was rather large, I saw three other body's strapped to chairs beside me, probably Ben, Mike and, ugh, Jessica judging by the size of the body. Good, the scumbags didn't catch mom, which means, we might have a rescue squad in route.

The others were still asleep, figures. I started building up immunity against chloroform since I was 5, mom didn't like that much. Once, she come home to find me passed out on the ground with a chloroform rag next to me. It was impossible to be fully immune to it, but building immunity made it so the effects wore off quickly.

Anyways, I looked to my left and saw a table shoved into the corner of the room. Even though I ate a lot of carrots and my eye sight was way above average, I couldn't make out what was on the table. My eyes flicked to my right and they landed on a metal door. There was no lock inside. 

Suddenly, the door creaked open. I closed my eyes and rested my chin on my chest. I let my body go limp. I practiced this too.

"Get up, we know your awake." A woman's voice said.

I knew that voice. She was the lady with a massive grudge against the CIA. The lady who threatened Ben's parents in Paris. This woman was pure evil.

I gave up the 'still asleep' act and looked up. The lights were on, the good part was that I could now see everything in the vicinity, the bad part was I had to look at Ms. E, the leader of SPYDER.

Ms. E had a smug and creepy smile on her face. As I was glaring at her, a few more people walked in. I glanced at them and saw the retarded gymnast, Ashley Sparks, the slimy traitor Warren Reaves and Leo Shang. 

All of them had smiles on their faces. I wanted to wipe them off so bad. 

"Well, now that everybody is here, Ashley, Warren, why don't you wake the prisoners." Said Ms. E.

Ashley kicked Mike in the soft spot and Warren did the same to Ben, and then Warren smacked Jessica in the face.

"DON'T HURT MY DAUGHTER YOU IDIOT!!!" Leo Shang screamed at him. Warren winced. I snorted at his foolishness. 

Mike and Ben woke up, "Owwwwwww," they groaned. Jessica woke up silently and glared at her father. "What are you dong here?" she asked in a deadly tone. Leo Shang ignored her.

Ben looked around and he met my eyes, I saw terror in his eyes. I didn't understand why he was so afraid, but then I looked at where he was looking, nuts. The table I saw in the dark was filled with knifes and other different tools. 

Ms. E saw the fear we radiated and smiled as wide as possible. "Yes, you know what's coming don't you?" she asked us. Mike was sweating and Jessica and Ben were pale.

The torture starts here. 

Leo Shang suddenly took a curved knife from the table and stabbed Ben in the leg. Ben cried out in pain. "That was for thwarting my plans in Vail and getting me thrown in jail." The evil billionaire growled. 

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