Chapter 18

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I think I'm going to be ending off this book. I can't find anything else to add and I want to focus on my other book: Spy School Zombie Apocalypse. Sorry. Enjoy one of the last chapters. Btw, what do you guys think about me starting a oneshots book?

2 August

0900 hours

Ben's POV

I woke up and found myself lying on the floor of the roof... with Erica sleeping on top of me.

I was a bit confused at first, then I remembered last night. I smiled.

We danced until we couldn't dance another step, and we just sat there, looking at the view until we fell asleep on top on one another.

I suddenly saw the others walking to the elevator through a window. All of them looked tense, most probably because they were worried about us. All except Mike and Zoe.

I nudged Erica awake and she instantly snapped awake, blushing slightly as she was cuddling me. 

"We have to go," I said, pointing to the others. She nodded and grabbed her stuff, seeming sad to have to leave.

We got down and headed to the dining area because Erica suspected they we going to get breakfast. 

Unsurprisingly, she was right. We walked behind them as they were grabbing food and said 'hi'. 

The sudden sound made only Chip jump in fright. 

Catherine wheeled in on us, her face a little red in anger. "Where did you two go?!" she asked fiercely. 

Mike suddenly started explaining everything before me or Erica could stop him. He started at the truth or dare game. 

Once Catherine heard everything, her anger at us immediately dissipated. "So you guys spent the night together?"

Erica quickly made up an excuse. "No we only talked for a while and we went back to our rooms. Everybody was asleep by then and we woke up before any of you."

"Is that why you guys are still wearing the same clothes from yesterday?" Jawa inquired.


"And where exactly did you two go after you somehow woke up at the same time," Zoe asked.


"And last of all, why do you have my daughters scent on you?" Catherine asked with a raised eyebrow.

Erica looked like a tomato by now, I wasn't sure I was any better. 

"I need to visit the ladies room," she said, then before anyone could stop her, she scurried off in a very un-Erica like way, leaving me to face her mother. Thanks for nothing.

"Can't we just forget about everything and eat our breakfast?" I asked rather weakly.

"No can do Benjamin, we are going to need to talk in private and you are going to tell me everything in detail." Catherine replied.

I groaned, this was what I was afraid of. 

Luckily, just as she was going to pull me away, Cyrus came and announced that he needed everyone at a table at this instant. Saved by Cyrus, I thought.

"Where's my granddaughter?" he asked gruffly.

"Right here."

Erica had suddenly appeared right beside me and I may or may not have screamed a little. 

"What's the news?" she said.

"The missions over, I called the Egyptian police and they're disabling the bombs as we speak. Leo Shang is going back to prison and Ms. E, Ashley Sparks and Warren Reaves are on the run. We'll catch them soon enough." Cyrus said.

"Speaking of Leo Shang, where's Jessica?" I asked. I just realized that she wasn't here with us. 

"We sent her back to the hotel to pack her things. She's going to China to meet her mother. There are agents there who will explain everything to her."

"So she's gone?" Erica asked.


"Good riddance."

"Well, this was a good mission, I'm going to my room to pack for the flight back." I said excusing myself. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Catherine flash me a look that read: This isn't over. That made me break into a run. 

One of my shortest chapters by far, and sloppiest. Sorry about that, remember, I'm still sick. I just wanted to get a chapter out because I haven't updated for a few days and I wanted to give you guys something to read. Next chapter might be the last one, idk, maybe. Anyways, peace out!    


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