Chapter 8

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28 July

2200 hours

Ben's POV

Two days. That's how long we've been walking. After just a few hours of starting our journey, Mike started complaining, "My feet are killing me and I'm hot, can we stop to take a break for a few minutes," he said. Well, bad move. He earned himself a deluxe ice cold glare from Erica that would for sure chill him down to bone for saying that. Even thought I was sweating buckets, I didn't what to be the person on the receiving end of that glare. 

"Every minute out here is a minute wasted not stopping SPYDER," she said menacingly. "So stop complaining like a 4 year old and grow up already," Mike gulped and kept quiet for the rest of the journey. Everybody else also kept quiet because unlike Mike, they all had the common sense to save their breath for walking. 

So that's how we ended up on the wrong side of the Great Pyramids of Giza. We saw them from the sand dune that we were standing on. "Finally, my feet are killing me and my clothes have sand." I said. 

We walked towards them and saw that there were no tourist. Well it is 10 in the night so that makes sense. What we did see were two people dressed in black and carrying something in their hands. I couldn't see what it was from here but no one seemed to care about them, all they cared about was to check into a hotel and resting, even Cyrus and Erica. I turned around and followed the rest of my group into the city of Cairo. (If you didn't know Giza is just to the west of Cairo. They are only a few minutes drive away from each other) 

Before we walked into the city, we made sure to throw away the clothes we wrapped around our heads as that might get a few stares and most importantly, unwanted attention. We also made sure to dust of our days old shirts and pants. 

From Giza, we called a cab to take us to Egypt's capital. 20 minutes later, we arrived. At first I couldn't see anything because I was blinded by the bright lights the city gave off. When we traveled we mostly relied on the sun and the moon as our light sources. The cab dropped us off at the address Catherine gave him. "Thank you sir," she said in perfect Arabic as she handed him his fee. 

The taxi drove off and left us directly in front of the Tolip El Galaa Hotel, I remembered it as the hotel that Catherine told us on the plane and I have to admit, it was a pretty good looking hotel, there were two buildings that were shaped in a 'L' shape and it had an outdoor pool in the middle. 


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Guys, know the pictures don't line up and I don't know why either so just try to roll with it and don't get mad at me plz this was the best I could do.

I was impressed, I didn't know the CIA had the money to pay for all of this. We all waited in the main lobby admiring the beauty of the hotel while Catherine went to get enough rooms for all of us. Cyrus was busy arguing with Alexander about how modern technology is unreliable and Alexander was saying how it is and so forth. I rolled my eyes at seeing this, they could act like children when their arguing about something to each other. 

After a few minutes, Catherine came back with room keys. "We got rooms everyone," she said, waving the keys around in her hands. "Okay, so Cyrus and Alexander you two take a room, Jawa, Chip, Mike and Ben will share a room and I'll share a room with the girls. 

I wasn't to happy with the room orders and I could tell that Cyrus and Alexander didn't too. Chip's snoring was so loud it could almost rival Murray's. Murray's sounded like a chainsaw while Chip's sounded like a lawn mower. Looks like I won't be getting much sleep tonight. 

Zoe was bouncing up and down in excitement. "Let's go," she said. We all walked sluggishly towards the elevator and got in. Catherine pressed the button for floor five and we ascended. A few moments later, we entered our rooms. The girls room were to our right and the men's room were to our left. The room was actually pretty good, nothing like the crappy motel rooms we had to stay in during Operation Snow Bunny. 

The only thing it had in common with the rooms in the motel was that there was only two beds. "I sleep with Ben," called Mike quickly after he realized we had to sleep together. "Ugh, fine, you better not push me off the bed in the middle of the night Chip," Jawa warned. "Who me, I would never," grinned Chip. "I'm serious, don't."

We unpacked and took turns to use the bathroom to clean up. They changed into their pajamas and I just borrowed some clothes from Mike, we were about the same size, even though they weren't the ideal clothes for sleeping, at least they were clean.

"Thanks," I said as Mike handed me the clothes. "No problem," he replied. Once we were all cleaned up we got into bed. I was really glad I didn't have to share the bed with Chip as I could hear Jawa cursing and pushing Chip away from him.

"Good night," I called out. "Good night," Mike said, "night," said Jawa and Chip.

After a few minutes, everyone fell asleep. Except me. I couldn't help but think that, we just arrived in Cairo and we had already been in a plane crashed and we were forced to trek though the Sahara. What would come next? Finally after an hour I felt the drowsiness that came from a two day hike take hold of me and I fell into darkness.

Two chapters in one day, whoo. This took me around an hour and a half to write. Thanks anyone who actually reads this garbage, it means a lot to me. Until the next chapter, bye.

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