Chapter 9

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Idk how I'm doing with book, there's no negative comments, yet. So I think I'm doing ok. Just so you readers know, any type of comment is appreciated, you can tell me if I'm doing something wrong or spell check or whatever. I won't get mad. Anyways, this chapter will explain the plot of the story in more detail and sorry because I changed some things from the plot I wrote in the first few chapters. Enjoy!

29 July

0900 hours

Ben's POV

My eyelids snapped open to the sound of a robin's bird call. To my surprise, I was the first one to wake up, I was usually the last person to wake up early.  I checked the time on a bedside clock because I couldn't use my level 16 math skills to tell the time when I just woken up. I walked to the window and due to the fact we were at one of the highest floors of the hotel, I had an amazing view.

I marveled at the metropolis that was Cairo. The city was busy and alive with activity. I could see the Great Pyramids from here. "Beautiful isn't it?" said Jawa suddenly. I turned around to face him and nodded, it was very peaceful to just be looking at the view with a friend, so of course something had to interrupt us. A notification popped up on my phone screen with a ping. I walked to the coffee table and picked up my phone.

It was a text from Erica, it wrote: Ben, get you the gang over to the breakfast area of the hotel. Grandpa says everybody needs to be there by 0930 hours. Don't be late or you'll regret it. 

I shivered as I read the last part of the text. I typed a quick reply and told Jawa the news. "Looks like we'll have to get these two up," he yawned, pointing to Mike and Chip who were both fast asleep. 15 minutes later all of us were ready to go, except Chip. Despite our best efforts, he was still snoring. Honestly, he slept harder then Murray, which was saying something since that kid could sleep through a tornado. We tried everything from tickling him to pushing him around, none of us wanted to hurt him. 

"We'll just have to leave him to Erica then," said Mike. Jawa shook his head, "it was nice knowing you Chip." He was going to have a bad morning. We walked out of the room and made sure to lock the door even though it wouldn't provide any sort of protection from Erica's wrath. 

We got a map of the hotel and made our way to the dining area. It was at the room of one of hotel's buildings. The doors to the elevator opened to reveal an area with a buffet table in the middle filled with all sorts of delicious food such of bacon, toast, eggs and other things. It was also decorated with a bunch a potted plants and good amount of tables and chairs scattered around for the guest to sit and eat their breakfast. The place had an open concept with no windows or walls. All it had was a glass roof to prevent the rain from dousing the guest.  

I saw Cyrus, Alexander, Catherine, Erica and Zoe seated at a relatively large table. Cyrus was devouring a burger while the other's were being polite and waiting for us. "Good morning boys," greeted Catherine and Alexander. After we all said our 'good mornings' and 'hellos' to each other, Cyrus looked up from his meal. When he realized we were one person down, he asked, "Where's that Chip kid?" I winched, knowing he wasn't going to like our answer. "He's still sleeping, we tried our best to wake him but he's very stubborn and we didn't want to get rough with him."

"WHAT! Your all spies and you couldn't even wake one of your own team members?" he snapped, then said, "Erica go get Chip up here." Erica smiled like a kid on Christmas and stood up and walked away.

While we waited for Erica to get Chip, we dug in to our food. 5 minutes later, Erica came back with Chip trailing behind. Chip had some injury's and bruises showing on his skin, but since nothing seemed broken and he still had all his limbs attached to his body, he got off lucky. 

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