Chapter 1

985 6 16

July 25

1000 hours

Ben's POV

I was falling asleep as I was listening to my history professor talk about the history of spy's, which was basically American history with a bit of spy story's thrown inside. Hi, my name is Benjamin Riply, I'm a second year student at the CIA's academy of espionage. I also have level 16 math skills which means I can make complex calculations in my head and I can always tell what time it is. (unless I am sleepy or drugged) Thanks to my math skills, I can also tell how long the teacher has been taking, 33 minutes 29 seconds, and somehow the story went from how an agent was supposed to break into German facilities in World War II to how he would have done if he was that agent.

Half the class was already asleep, and just as I thought I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, I received a text on my phone. I looked at the sender's name and it read Erica Hale, my heart skipped a beat. Erica was the best spy in training at the academy not to mention the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I had a massive crush on her. The text read: Get to the principal's office ASAP. I replied with a quick k. "um, sir can I go to the bathroom?" I asked my professor. My professor blinked, apparently caught of guard that someone interrupted his speech. He said, "Very well Riply, but make it snappy." Then went straight back to talking, this time about how we should have dropped three atomic bombs instead of just two.

I rolled my eyes and quickly walked towards the principal's office. Calling it an office was being generous, it was basically just a broom closet that he put a small desk and chair in as his real office got blown up by a grenade launcher. (long story) Anyways, as I reached the front of the office there were two guard's stationed there that were supposed to pat down anyone entering the office and protect the principal. I got patted down and ushered inside, to my surprise there was quite a few people waiting for me.

One of them was Catherine hale, Erica's mom and one of the best spy's in MI6, Alexander hale who was a fraud and a charlatan, Cyrus hale, Erica and the principal who everybody calls the idiot. Nobody wanted him teaching the next generation of spy's, so they assigned him as the principal to take care of all the paperwork nobody wanted to do. 

"Hello Benjamin." Catherine greeted me. "Finally!" Cyrus exclaimed. "what took you so long." "I ran as fast as I could," I told them. Cyrus just rolled his eyes and mumbled something about how spy's these days are getting sloppy. "Let's cut to the chase, your being activated Ben." Erica suddenly said. The principal yelled, "WHAT!!!" at the top of his lungs. "You can't activate him, I won't allow it." He sounded like a five year old kid telling his mom he didn't what his brother at his birthday party. Cyrus exhaled slowly, trying to be patient. "This isn't your decision, it's an order straight from the top," he said calmly.

 The principal just shrank into his chair to sulk. "So, what's the mission?" I asked. "You and your team, which consist of you, Erica, Mike, Zoe, Jawa and Chip, will be sent to Egypt. We have reason the believe SPYDER is potting something there." Explained Catherine. "Wait, SPYDER?" I asked. "I thought we defeated them already." "Well Ms. E and Leo Shang broke out of prison a few days ago." Alexander said in a rather small voice. "WHAT how!?" I asked. "We don't know, we just know that they were there one day and gone the next." Erica told me and then handed me a dossier to read.

Everyone kept quiet as I ripped out the contents and read through them. I saw a picture of Jessica Shang, an old friend of mine from Operation Snow Bunny. "What is Jessica doing at the Pyramids of Giza." I asked no one in particular. "She was sighted at the Valley of the Kings and Luxor before that." Said Cyrus. "We think that Leo Shang has teamed up with SPYDER and is now using her to scout out those areas." "Why are they using her? Why not just send some other people to do it?" I asked, puzzled. Erica rolled her eyes and told me, "Because sending people to do their work requires money, and what looks more suspicious, a big man with sun glasses and a camera or a teenage girl who looks like a tourist?" I nodded my understanding.

"So your mission is to use an alias by the name of David Sideman and get close to her, again." Cyrus said. I sighed "What will the others be doing?" I asked. "Erica will be your handler, Chip and Jawa will try to find out where SPYDER is and Mike and Zoe will help out where they can, maybe Mike can accompany you. Once Chip and Jawa find out where SPYDER is holed up, you will all break in and try to gather as much information on what SPYDER is planning and thwart it, ok?" Cyrus told me. "We're meeting up at the school's entrance at 0200 hours tonight. Pack for very warm weather, I'll inform the others." I nodded. "Now go back to class." Cyrus ordered. 

Authors note: How was chapter 1? Tell me in the comments.

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