Chapter 15

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I think the last chapter was absolute crap, I don't want to delete it so I'll try to make up for it in this one. At least now I know the result of me writing when I'm tired. (Hint: trash) Anyways, enjoy this chapter ig.

2 August

0200 hours

Erica's POV

I was riding shotgun in the SUV, mom was driving. We were going to get Ben at the hospital because we needed his insight on what SPYDER was planning.

The others wanted to come, but mom said she wanted to talk to me. Not good. When mom says that she wants to 'talk' to me, it's never a good time. The last time she said this was when I was 6 and I shot someone in the foot. I'm sure this time won't be so bad, I didn't do anything bad like beat up someone or injured anyone at all for the past month, I think....

"So..." my mom started in a serious tone. I shrunk down in my seat. I tended to act like more of a normal person whenever I was around my mom. I felt like a kid again, I hated it. I expected her to continue, but instead, she started grinning widely. Uh oh.

"You know I care a lot for you, right dear? She said. I didn't know where this conversation was going, so I just played along. "Um, yeah, of course I know that," I replied in a puzzled voice. Mom took her eyes off the road and looked at me before saying, "that's why I think Ben is the perfect choice for you,"

I felt my cheeks light up as I turned bright red. 

"Mom, I don't like Ben, friends are a liability in the spy business," I stated quickly. Even though I was trained by grandpa to always think this, I was starting to doubt it myself. Apparently, my mom didn't believe what I said.

"And I'm a monkeys uncle," she said cheekily. "I think I know my daughter enough to see when she is lying, plus, I know for a fact you were about to kiss him before I barged in, sorry for ruining the moment by the way." 

I didn't respond. Which was a mistake because it allowed my mom to keep talking. 

"He's cute, smart, loyal, determined to make anyone around him happy, honestly, what more could you want from a boy. I wouldn't mind having him as a son in-law." 

"MOM!!!" I screamed. "Yes dear?" She asked pleasantly, pretending not to know what was bothering me. "I am just 15 years old and Ben is 13, please don't talk about marriage, I don't want him yet." 

She raised her eyebrows at me and mouthed 'yet'. I covered my mouth with my hands when I realized what I had said, but what was done was done. I sighed and mom laughed. 

There couldn't be a longer drive I have ever took before.


We finally reached the hospital. I quickly got out of the car, I couldn't stand another second with my mother in there. She kept teasing me mercilessly about Ben the whole way. Ugh.

We walked in and even though it was early in the morning, (2am to be exact) there were still a lot of people walking around and doing their shifts. I expected this because most hospitals are open 24/7.

We tried the easy way first. Mom went to the counter and asked if we could take Ben with us. I wasn't surprised when the nurse said no and that Ben needed to say here for at least another two weeks to recover from him wounds.

Mom turned to me and shrugged like well, we tried. I smiled, time to use the hard way; sneaking Ben out.

Step one: was for me and mom the steal some of the doctors coats to fit in. Check. For doctors they should really be tidier than this, I thought as I grabbed one of those white coats that doctors always wore at the hospital and slipped it on. I saw mom do the same.

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