Chapter 7

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Hi, guys. I've been updating a lot lately. It's been I think a week since I started this book and it has 200 views, thank you so much. Enjoy the chapter!

26 July (Lol this is the third chapter with the same date)

1600 hours

Ben's POV

"Don't worry, I won't touch you, just try to get some sleep," I told Erica as I laid down beside her underneath the small shelter she build to protect us from the heat of the Sahara. I felt like I was dead weigh. I mean she could hold up perfectly fine by herself, the reason she was so tried now was because of me. She had to build to a shelter big enough for two people since I was with her, and I didn't know how to do anything. She had to lug the container of water all the way here by herself because I was sleeping while she was doing all the hard work. I sighed, I couldn't fall asleep with these thoughts swirling around in my head. I just pretended to be sleeping.

By this time, Erica had already fallen asleep. To my absolute surprise, and fear, she turned around in her sleep so she was facing me and hugged my stomach. My heart was thumping so loudly, I was afraid it would wake her up. Even though I was happy about this, I couldn't help but think about my health. Oh, god. I thought, if she wakes up and realizes what she's doing, she would probably freak out and hurt me. With that thought in my head, I reluctantly felt asleep again.


I woke up to the sound's of a lot of people talking. I opened my eyes and saw to my delight, Catherine and the rest of the group with Erica. "Wakey wakey, Benjamin," called Catherine once she saw me open my eyes. "We have a lot to talk about." I sat up and scanned my surroundings, everybody was there. "Hi, Ben. We were worried about you once we saw what happened with your parachute, you okay?" said Mike. "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. "Good," he nodded.

"Now enough with the chit chat, let me explain what happened once we landed." said Catherine. "First, we looked up and saw you and Erica getting blown away by the wind, then once everybody else came down with minimal trouble," "Chip got blown straight into a sand dune and buried inside, get had to spend a few minutes digging him out," interrupted Jawa, "Hey, it wasn't my fault," protested Chip turning a little red. "Anyways like I was saying, once everyone landed safely, we all came together and I turned on my phone to find your location using the trackers I gave all of you before we jumped." said Catherine. "We walked in your direction for some time and eventually needed to take rest, I made a roof above us using the things in my utility belt to cool of for a while before continuing the trek. Your tracker led us to the plane crash, and we spread out to look for you, I found you guys sleeping under some shade and so here we are now," she finished.

"Oh, and Alexander didn't sabotage us," said Zoe. "Some else rigged the engine to blow after a few hours once we took off, the person who did that had to have a lot more skill then Alexander has." "See, I would never turn on you guys," Alexander spoke up, "wait, what do you mean have a lot more skills then me, I have plenty of good skills and qualities." Cyrus rolled his eyes, "you were the one in charge of checking the plane for anything out of the ordinary." "So what, you also checked the plane because you didn't trust me to do it," he shot back.

"Now now gentlemen, could we just put this all behind us and focus on getting ourselves to civilization," Catherine quickly interrupted before the father and son could end up in an all out brawl. "How are we going to get to civilization?" I asked. "We only have enough water to last everybody for a day, waking to Giza will take at least two." 

"We'll wake around a see if we can find anything, we're looking for water, food, and something to protect ourselves from the sun." Ordered Catherine. "Sounds good?" We all nodded, then got to searching. Around an hour later, we gathered around to see what each of us found. 

I found a tube of sunscreen with 50 SPF which would protect us from 98% of the suns UV rays. Erica found some cloth to wrap around ourselves to offer even more protection from the heat, I had a feeling we would need it. Mike and Zoe found some of our duffle bags that survived the crash. Of course, the only person's bag that couldn't be found just had to be mine, with my luck how could it not? I groaned, "don't worry Benjamin, we'll get you some new clothes," said Catherine, trying to cheer me up. "Thanks," I mumbled gratefully. I had no intention of wearing these clothes I had on me for a long period of time. 

Catherine found a smaller container filled with water bottles and Cyrus and Alexander found a minifridge packed with food in the now ruined kitchen. Too bad most of the food was spoiling quickly in the Sahara without anything to cool them down. We packed our supply's in our duffle bags and applied our sunscreen and wrapped the cloth that Erica found over our heads. Once we made sure that everything was in order, we made sure to leave no sign that we were ever here. Just in case SPYDER sent some agents back to check. 

Then we started on the longest trek in my life.

This is all for now folks. I'm saving the part for when they finally reach civilization for the next chapter. Although, I will start writing chapter 8 now. Lol I got to much time on my hands and this is what I'm spending it on. (T_T) Maybe, just maybe I'll be able to do a double update.

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