Chapter 11

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29 July

1900 hours

Ben's POV

I was in a car with Catherine, Mike and Erica, heading back to the hotel. I had just told them Jessica knew who I was and lets just say they didn't take it well. When I said this, everyone's face went slack with shock. Erica and Catherine quickly recovered and Erica went straight to questioning me in a angry tone.

"How did she know?" "How did she find out?" "What did you do?!" The last question was asked a little more forcefully. I shifted away from Erica before I answered, just in case she suddenly launched at me. "I don't know how she knew it was me," I answered honestly. "I didn't do or say anything to make her think it was me."

Erica looked mad. I gulped, making Erica mad was a very bad idea, it was usually hazardous to your health. Luck for me, Catherine held her daughter back. "I believe that Benjamin is telling the truth, however, we must find out how Jessica knew it was you." She said. "We must tell Cyrus and see what he thinks." I paled, if Cyrus found out that Jessica knew who I was, he was going to go berserk and blame it all on me, once that happens, I'm dead.

"Don't worry, we'll keep Cyrus from killing you Ben." Catherine told me, seeing my fear. Mike was silent the whole time. We rode the rest of the drive back to the hotel in silence. We got into mission control and by now, everyone was back from their jobs. 

Before I could say anything, Cyrus interrupted, "good, your back. Now we can go get dinner." Alexander, Chip and Jawa immediately agreed, as they were all hungry from the days work. They pushed past me, out the door. I sighed. 

Zoe walked beside me to the elevator. She came back alone just an hour before we finished our tour because she couldn't find anything. "What's wrong?" She asked. I explained everything to her and her eyes went wide with surprise. "How did Jessica find out?" I just shrugged, not knowing the answer. "Once Cyrus finds out, my fate is sealed." I said bitterly. Zoe grabbed my hand reassuringly. Just at moment, Erica glanced my way and saw our hands intertwined, she turned away instantly, fuming. Today just really wasn't my day.


"WHAT!?" Cyrus yelled at me, spitting out some food. Several people from the nearby tables looked our way. I grimaced. Telling Cyrus the information while he was eating probably wasn't a good idea. I repeated what I said, with a hint of sass in my voice. Mike, Jawa and Chip's mouths hung open in shock, Erica facepalmed and Alexander looked at me like I was crazy.

Cyrus turned so red that I was afraid he would pass out from the amount of blood rushing to his head. He looked like he wanted to kill me. "What did you do?" he snarled in a lower and dangerous tone. "I didn't do anything," I said. "I don't know how Jessica knew it was me." I was really starting to get tried of saying that. "How is it not your fault? Your the only person who could have done it.

"Cyrus, it isn't his fault," Catherine butt in, saving my life. "Jessica must have recognized him or something." Erica added, "I believe it isn't Ben's fault." Jawa and Chip's jaws dropped even further, which I didn't think possible because Erica just defended me from her grandfather. Mike was smiling at me. 

"Fine," Cyrus grumbled. I reached into my pocket, trying to get my phone out. Instead of my phone, my hand touched a slip of paper. I pulled it out and read it. It wrote:

'Hi, Ben. Meet me at my hotel tomorrow at 10am. I'll be waiting at the entrance. 💗


I showed this to my friends and Cyrus, Catherine and Alexander. "Think she wants to give us information or is this a trap?" asked Jawa. "I'm not sure, but based on what I know about Jessica, it is highly likely that she wants to help us, or Ben judging by the heart at the end," said Catherine. Erica didn't look too happy about that. 

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