Chapter 10

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Idk what to write here, so just enjoy this chapter.

29 July

1600 hours

Ben's POV

Me, Mike and Catherine were standing together as the tour guide was explaining something. Zoe just left us when the cab dropped us off, saying she was going to 'scout around' for anything unusual.  I looked around for my target. I locked eyes with Erica who was standing somewhere else in the group. She nodded her head in a direction, indicating she wanted me to look there.

I turned around and saw Jessica. Now that she wasn't wrapped in scarfs and jackets, I think she looked even prettier than when I last saw her. As usual, there were two hulking slabs of muscle walking next to her. I nudged Mike and Catherine and told them Jessica was here. (But Catherine probably already knew)

We walked over to them and tried to act casual. Since I succeeded in prying information out of Jessica before, Mike and Catherine let me go interact with her first. "Hello," I said, trying to start conversation. "My name's David, David Sideman." Before Jessica could say anything, one of her body guards butt in, "beat it kid, go back to your family and enjoy the tour." 

Jessica looked annoyed and pushed the guard away. "Hello, my name is Jessica, Jessica Shang." She said friendlily. I pretended not to know her and we started some small talk. (I'm lazy, sue me)     

We talked to each other for a few minutes after the tour started and then I started the interrogation. "So Jessica, are any of your parents here?" Jessica already told me that she was here to tour Egypt's ancient monuments and city's. 

"No, my mom just texted me and asked me if I wanted to come here for summer break and I agreed, she's not here though, she's taking care of my dad's company." She said. I nodded and asked, "where's your dad? Isn't he supposed to take care of his company?" Jessica looked suspicious that I was asking this many questions, but she rolled with it. 

"I don't know where my dad is," she answered. Which was true since after Leo Shang was trialed, he was brought to a maximum security prison. The same prison that housed Ms. E. The CIA didn't tell anyone where they put him. Only the director of the CIA,  the president and Cyrus Hale knew where the exactly where the prison was. So how did I know? Easy, Erica simply hacked into the top secret CIA data base and told me the information. That's what she said she did. I suspected Cyrus could have told her, but I didn't discount either possibility because this was Erica Hale we were talking about.

I nodded again, "Hey, do you want to meet my family?" I asked. She said 'yes' so I brought her over to Mike and Catherine. "Why there you are David, I was wondering where you went." Said Catherine. "Sorry mom," I said. "Guys, this is Jessica, I just meet her a while ago." I introduced. "Hello Jessica, my name is Oliver Smith." Said Mike, holding out his hand. Jessica shook it.

"Lovely to meet you Jessica," said Catherine. "I am David's mother and Oliver is David's best friend." Jessica and Catherine talked for a while and I took that chance to look for Erica. Erica was doing her job and scanning the area for anything out of the ordinary. The tour guide lead us to the outside of the Great Pyramids of Giza. The pyramid in front of me was enormous and this wasn't even the biggest one, their were 3 pyramids and smaller ones scattered around. One block of limestone and granite was taller than me. 

Erica looked at me and put two thumbs up, indicating that I was doing a good job so far. Erica was being far nicer to me since the hand holding incident with Zoe. She didn't even laugh or make fun of me when I tripped and fell on my face earlier.

I listened back on the conversation that Catherine and Jessica were having. Catherine told her to call her Lory, an alias Catherine made for herself. "So, who are these two gentlemen?" she asked Jessica, turning to the two men following behind Jessica. 

Jessica winced like she didn't like this topic. "These are my body guards," she said, somewhat embarrassed. Catherine pretended that she didn't know that Jessica's family were billionaires, which led Jessica to explain all that to Catherine.

Catherine asked her some questions about her family because it was far less suspicious for an adult to ask those questions then a kid asking. Once Catherine got her information she stopped asking questions and we just enjoyed the tour in silence.

By now, we were inside one of the pyramids and it looked magnificent. I couldn't believe that the Ancient Egyptian's build a structure this big using the limited technology that they had. "Amazing, isn't it?" The tour guide asked. Some people around us nodded. The tour guide then launched into a ton of random facts about the pyramids like who they were build for and so on. 

The tour in total lasted 2 hours and everyone was tried once it was over. Jessica and her bodyguards followed us to the road that takes us back to the city. "Well, goodbye," I said. Erica was still nowhere in sight, probably waiting for Jessica to leave. Jessica nodded and came up to me. She leaned forward and my breath caught. Turns out she wasn't kissing me and leaned into my ear.

"Bye Ben," She whispered. My eyes widened in surprise. I didn't even notice she slipped me a note.

Cliffhanger, DUN DUN DUUUUN. Lol see you in the next chapter. Or not.         

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