Chapter 3

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Vote and comment on this book plz. And sorry if Erica seemed out of character in the last chapter, I'll try to change that here. Anyways, enjoy.

July 26

0100 hours

Ben's POV

"Ringggggg," rang my alarm clock. I groaned. Even though I was the one who set it to ring at 1 in the morning, I was still very tempted to throw it across my dorm room, which if I thought about it, isn't such a good idea because my dorm is so small it will probably bounce back and nail me on the head.

Eventually, I groggily got from my bed, contemplating my life choice's. Out of nowhere, an image of Erica beating me up for being late to the school gate popped into my head. That got me awake very fast, since I valued my life. In record time, I had brushed my teeth, washed my face, combed my hair and nearly forgot to grab my knapsack as I ran out of my room. I didn't pack my things in a suit case because we needed to be prepared for any eventuality and a suit case was hard to carry. I didn't need to change because I slept in my normal clothes instead of my pajamas. 

I ran to the school gate where my friends/team were waiting for me. By now it was 1:40. I was supposed to meet them at 2AM but by Hale standards, being early was on time and on time was late. If you didn't want to get Cyrus or Erica ticked off, you needed to be there early. Even though I was 20 minutes early, I was still the last person to arrive. Everyone had also packed their belonging's in a knapsack. Erica and Cyrus were standing impatiently, Mike was talking to Zoe, and Jawa and Chip were messing around. 

When they saw me, Mike and Zoe said, "Hi Ben." I waved at them. Erica didn't say anything, she just looked at me. "Your late," Cyrus grumbled. "You call being 20 minutes early, late?" I asked. "Everyone was here 10 minutes before you," he said. I just sighed, there was no pleasing some people. Cyrus started to explain how we'd be traveling to Egypt. "We're going to be driven to a nearby airport and board a custom plane that the CIA supplied, then we'll fly straight to Egypt, got it?" We nodded. "Good, now our car should be arriving soon," he said. After a few minutes of waiting, a black SUV drove in using the school's hidden road. It was really big and looked like it could fit all of us even with our luggage.

"Hello children," called a chirpy voice through the driver's window. Catherine. After we all said our hello's we got seated in the car. Cyrus called shotgun which was fine by me because it consist of an actual shotgun. I sat in the middle row on the center seat with Erica to my right and Zoe to my left. Mike, Jawa and Chip sat in the back row and we still had enough space to put our bags at the back. "Is Alexander coming?" I asked Catherine. "Oh, he's already at the plane doing last minute checks ," she told me. "He better not mess anything up," Cyrus mumbled. Catherine just gave him a look and we drove in silence from then. Around 20 minutes later, we arrived at the airport. We took our bags and boarded the plane. 

I have to say, the CIA pulled through. This plane looked like it was owned by a millionaire, there were soft plush leather couches near the cockpit door, a table in the middle of the plane for eating and as far as I could see, a few rooms for us to stay in. I wasn't the only one that was impressed judging by the number of gasps I heard behind me. "Whoa," Mike said. Only Erica and Cyrus didn't look impressed which wasn't surprising since you could take down 10 evil organizations and barely get a compliment from them. "We got a bigger budget for this mission due to the success we had one other missions, the people at the top felt like you all deserved some luxury," Cyrus explained. This was a much bigger upgrade from the jet we took on our mission to Mexico, if you could even call that flying junk a jet. 

Thinking about my flight to Mexico, I remembered something unpleasant. "Hey, Erica," I started. "Yeah," she replied. "Do you know who going to be piloting the plane?" I asked. "Thinking about the flight to Mexico?" she smirked, "don't worry, mom and grandpa are going to be the pilots." I nodded, reassured. "Well I think all of you should get some sleep," said Catherine. We walked to our rooms and settled down. I got a room with Mike which I was fine with. Jawa shared with Chip, Catherine with Alexander, Erica and Zoe, and Cyrus had a room all to himself, typical.

Me and Mike lay on our beds. "Good night," Mike called. "Night," I replied. A few minutes later, Mike fell asleep but I was still wide awake, thinking about the mission. Catherine was prepping the plane to fly and Cyrus was doing last minute checks since he didn't trust Alexander enough to do it.

Moments later, we took off. Thanks to the hum of the engines and how warry I was from waking up at 1AM, I let myself fall into a dreamless sleep.

How is the book so far, if you like it can I ask you to plz vote on this book, it really helps. Thx. 

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