Chapter 6

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Guy, guys, guys!!! MaverickTG just voted on my last chapter. Thank you so much. I love her books, especially Spy School Future.  (Yes she's a girl if you didn't know) I will never be able to write books as good as her's but I'll try my best. If you SOMEHOW haven't read her books I highly suggest you do their REALLY good. But enough of that, I promised you people Erica's POV so here it is. This is going to be really awkward since I don't really know how to write emotional things, I'm more like a action writer. 

July 26

1400 hours

Erica's POV

I left Ben laying underneath the shade that I had just made, he needed the rest, I didn't so I was doing something productive. I was searching for any liquid that we could drink, my throat was parched dry and I'm pretty sure Ben was dying of thirst. Stupid, stupid Erica I mentally scolded myself because I forgot to pack any water bottles in my utility belt, all I had was a hand gun, a grenade, a few smoke bombs, and some cyanide pills, just in case. 

The reason I forgot to pack water in the freaking Sahara was because I was busy thinking about something else, or someone else. I sighed out loud, Ben was driving me crazy. I couldn't decide what I should do with him, I mean I like him but grandpa trained me to think of relationships as liabilities. Ugh, why did my life have to be so hard. First, my parents get a divorce when I was 6, that was hard enough, now I have to be the perfect Erica that everyone expects me to be and I like Ben, but I was already pretty hurt by Joshua so I'm afraid to try to be in a relationship with Ben, I don't want that to happen again.

I shook my head to try to clear all those thoughts in my head. I looked up and scanned the area for anything useful that fell out of the plane. After an hour of searching, my eyes landed on a blue container, by this time I was craving some type of liquid in my body, the container looked like those thing people stored drinks in. I dragged myself over to it and opened it up. Sure enough, there was a whole stack of water bottles inside. I took a moment to hydrate myself.

Once I was done, I started pulling and pushing the box back to our camp. After another hour of work, I finally arrived at the camp. Ben was asleep, just as I suspected. I stared at his cute face looking at him suddenly brought me back to this morning's events.


I ran out of the emergency door right after Ben. I counted for 30 seconds but as I reached 28, I saw something that made my heart drop. Ben deployed his parachute like he was supposed to but his parachute didn't open like it was supposed to, instead if somehow got tangled up. It's not supposed to do that, I thought, then it occurred to me that Ben was free falling now with nothing to slow him down.

"Ben, take a knife out and cut the ropes!" I yelled at him, praying that he could hear me. He thankfully did as he pulled out a knife from who knows where and started to cut it. Once he finished cutting the ropes, he spread out he arms and legs to slow down his fall. Smart boy. I, however, put my arms and legs at my side so I could get to his side.

"Grab my hand!" I yelled at him again. He grabbed it and I said, "brace yourself." Ben had a puzzled look on his face as I pulled the strap to deploy my parachute. Luckily, this one worked fine or we would have been screwed. I heard Ben cry out in pain from the sudden yank the parachute gave when it deployed. 

I rolled my eyes, I told you to brace yourself. I was still pretty freaked out that I almost lost Ben right there. I didn't want to lose him. When the wind pushed us off course from the rest of the group and Ben said, "Oh, that's not good," I might have replied with more force then necessary. Ben looked hurt, "did I do something?" he asked. "No you didn't do anything Ben," I replied.

~End of Flashback~

"Why are you looking at me for so long," said a voice. The noise pulled me back into present. "Um, what?" I said, not my smoothest moment but I was still dazed from the flashback. "Yeah, I woke up and you were just standing there staring at me, it was kind of scary, what were you thinking about? You never let your guard down," said Ben. Not never, I thought, just when I'm alone. I didn't say that of course, so I just said, "I wasn't thinking about anything, I was just catching my breath." 

Ben stared at me and said, "ok, first of all I can tell when your lying, and second of all, I called your name six times," I sighed, "can we just leave it alone Ben," "Fine," he replied. "There's some water here if you like," I said, pointing to the water box. "Thanks," "no problem." 

I lay down on under the shade to rest as he got up to drink some water. A few minutes later, he lay back down beside me and I instantly tensed up. "Don't worry," he said, "I won't touch you, just try to get some sleep." I nodded and turned the other direction. He was right, I needed sleep. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep. 


I woke up to the sound, of someone nudging me awake. "Hey, Erica honey, time to get up." Huh, why does that sound like my mother, I must still be asleep, I thought but it couldn't hurt to check. I slowly opened my eyes I saw my mother. "Hi Erica, we tracked you and Ben down using the tracker you have that's connected to my phone, and speaking of Ben, could you let him go now?" That's when I realized I was hugging Ben like a pillow. I instantly snapped awake and let him go. "Um, I wasn't hugging him," I said stupidly, turning red. I mentally slapped myself in the face.

"Oh, of course dear, you weren't hugging Benjamin like he was one of your throw pillows and I definitely didn't take like, a dozen pictures of you and him together," said Catherine teasingly. That's when I saw she had her phone clutched in her hand. "Mother!" I said, blushing furiously, "please delete those." She smirked, "no promises." I sighed then asked, "if you tracked us down where are the others?" "Their on their way, don't worry." she replied, then thought to add, "but we don't want them here to soon, do we, we don't want them to see your red face, if they do they might start asking questions, like when we were on the plane." She smirked when she said this, pleased with herself. 

"Mother," I said, exasperated, "can you please stop teasing me?" "Fine, but you two just look so cute together." "Mother," "Fine fine, I'll stop." I can't believe I was hugging Ben, plus the fact that we were sleeping together in the first place, I'm really lucky that Ben didn't wake up before me. 

Lol, this was so fun to write, especially the ending. Thanks again to MaverickTG for voting on my last chapter. Next chapter I'll switch back to Ben's POV don't worry, you don't need to suffer through my horrible writing in Erica's POV anymore. 

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