Chapter 26: Demon Dean

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My phone rings at 4 in the morning. I pick it up instantly, awake anyway. "Hello" I say eagerly waiting to hear Dean's voice.

"Hayd.. Hayden.." Sam chokes out over the phone.

"Sam?" I ask nervously now.

"You need to leave the bunker. You can't be home for this" he chokes out again.

"Home for what? What are you talking about?! Where's Dean? What's wrong?" I start to panic, instantly knowing something is off with him.

"You need to be gone within the hour! I'll call you back later" he says hanging up the phone. I call him back.

I yell into the phone "what's going on?!"

"I can't tell you. Just be gone alright. I won't come in unless you are gone." He waits for my reply.

"Fine!" I slam the phone down getting up and getting dressed. I pace around the bedroom for another 15 minutes. I decide I'm not going anywhere, if something is involving Dean than I have a right to know about it. I drive my car down the road and park it where it can't be seen from the road. I jog back to the bunker and wait. Soon after I return I hear the door to the impala slam shut. I duck behind a pillar. Even if he does see me, it'll be to late and whatever it is he is hiding, I'll know. Castiel leads the way and behind him Dean walks in, his face facing down but I can see the contortions of his face and he's not happy. Sam walks in closely behind him and I notice he's pushing him by. I see Dean's hands cuffed together in front of him. "Sam! What are you doing?" I shout out to him and come into view.

All 3 of their heads swivel quickly. "Hayden! Go!" Sam points to the doorway behind me.

I take a step closer and deans eyes change to black "hello sweet thing" his smile is evil and filled with deception. I stop in my tracks. He laughs loudly as he continues to walk. His laugh chills me to the bones and I'm frozen in place.

I'm not sure how much time has passed but Sam walks back in and over to me. His tall stature gets into view and I blink up to face him "what-- what happened? I thought he couldn't get possessed by demons?" I ask confused, remembering the night months ago I asked about his tattoo.

"He's not possessed by a demon. He is a demon." He says walking over to the chair. I turn my body to face him, needing more than that.

"I don't follow" I blink wide eyed.

"It's the mark" Sam explains "he killed Abadon but he was injured in the process. He, he died" Sam looks away from me, clearly upset as well.

"Died? How could he have died? He just walked in.."

"I guess died is the wrong word. He changed. The mark took over him, it turned him into a knight of hell" Sam continues "he was fighting the urges before but after he died, or whatever, it took over and it turned him. He's not Dean anymore." Sam finishes eyes averted from mine l.

"So what now?!" I panic. I grab my heart as I can feel it breaking inside of me. I sink down into the chair and let the tears roll from my face.

"We are going to try something." Sam lifts his face to mine. His face is contorted with similar pain.

"What?" I ask pleading for answers.

"Injecting him with blood." He goes on explaining "if we inject him with purified blood--"

"Wait, purified blood?" I interrupt

"we can get blood that's blessed by a priest, or we can repent our sins and use that blood to inject him with--" He explains.

"How much blood?" I ask next, still not letting him finish.

"A pretty big vile size." He holds open his fingers to show me. "8 times, the start of every hour" he explains.

"And it will work?" I ask after he explains "you've done this before?"

He shrugs his shoulders "we've done it before, but didn't complete it."

"What? Why?" I ask

"It's kind of a long story for another time, basically if I cured Crowley, I would've died. Dean stopped me. It was working though, he was basically human again" Sam finishes he looks at me sideways.

"What?" I sigh. "Basically?"

"I don't think you should go in there, but I think we should use your blood." Sam says.

I sit up straighter "why don't you want me to go in there?"

"He's not Dean anymore." He says simply.

"I understand that. But I'm going to see him, you can't stop me Sam." I assure him

He shrugs "don't say I didn't warn you" he walks out of the room and I follow him. We walk to a room and stop outside the door. I've lived here for so long but have never been through the door. Dean didn't want me too and I wanted to honor that. Now that it's Dean behind the door, I feel sick not listening to him, but I know I need to do this.

Hayden & Dean: A Supernatural Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now