Chapter 29: Calm Before the Storm

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Summary: It was a very good day for Evelyn. No arguments with Bakugou, got to hang out with Tamaki and found out he handled stuff out with Mirio and Nejire, she passed a test, and her quirk was calm. But things can't always go perfectly, can they?

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Evelyn sat up in bed and stretched, yawning. Damn, that was a good sleep. She hasn't slept like that in months.

She got out of bed, did her morning routine to get ready, then headed to class after havibg breakfast with Mina. She had a long day of training ahead of her, she was glad she got so much sleep.

"Training is cancelled," Aizawa spoke loudly, over the talking class. The class went silent, to listen to him. "Actually all of class is. I want to go back to bed. Enjoy your day off," And he was walking off.

"Well he couldn't have told us sooner," Mina whined. "I hate putting on these shoes."

Evelyn chuckled, and began to clear out with the rest of the class. Denki caught up to her. "Dude, guess fucking what?!"

"Language," Present Mic yelled, skating by. On a skateboard.

"So, I looked at our test scores from the uh, written and physical one," Denki started hitting her arm. "We both fucking passed with 100%."

" did," Evelyn raised an eyebrow and he scoffed.

"I did, thank you very much," He pointed in her face. "And I didn't cheat. Did you?"

"Nope," She shook her head. "It was on the easier side."

"Then hell yeah," He smiled, cheering.

"Language," Present Mic skated by again.

"Ohhh, Evelyn," Denki shook her arm. "Your boyfriend is here!"

"Shut up," Evelyn chuckled, already knowing he was referring to Tamaki.

"When did they make up," Denki asked, and Evelyn lifted her head to see what he was looking at. Mirio and Nejire talking to Tamaki.

"I don't know," She shrugged.

Evelyn saw them start to walk by them and Denki stopped them, also getting everyone's attention in the hall.

"Nejire, Togata" He yelled and they looked over. Denki turn his back to them and started making out with himself.

Evelyn wheezed at the look on their faces, then smacked Denki's head. "I'm so sorry about him, the pharmacy didn't have his meds."

"Bitch," Denki yelled out, whipping his head to her, arms still wrapped around himself.

Mirio blinked then looked to Tamaki. Tamaki just shrugged, Evelyn and Denki starting to playfully fight, dragging each other down the hall.

An hour or so later, Evelyn got a text from Tamaki to meet up.

Tamaki 🐙: Hey

Tamaki 🐙: You free to meet up after school?

Evelyn 🐍: fo shooo mf


Tamaki 🐙: You don't? 👀

Evelyn 🐍: Aizawa wanted to sleep longer so he let us off 😭

Tamaki 🐙: Omg he did that when I was in his class too

Tamaki 🐙: Wish he did it on test days tho

Evelyn 🐍: That's the best part about it

Evelyn 🐍: We had this huge training test, complimennt type thing

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