Chapter 19: Studying Together

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Summary: A few days later, Tamaki is back and feeling much better. Then Mirio tries to talk to him, and when he ignored Mirio, he suddenly felt bad. He went to Evelyn's dorm and asked her to study, in hopes to also talk about the Mirio thing. Who knew so much drama could explode while Evelyn was distracted with Tamaki?

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(A few days later)

Tamaki felt much better and was back to school, just a few days later. He noticed Mirio trying to talk to him once but he didn't have the guts to sit there and listen to him. So he walked away, feeling almost guilty.

But he talked to Evelyn about it. She assured him that he definitely do anything wrong, and Mirio and Nejire were being assholes... Well she put it in a so called "nicer way."

"They're having their asshole moment, they'll get our of it soon. We all have one. I've been living mine the most of my life."

That lead to detailed descriptions of how she scared kids with her quirk, and he listened, disturbed but also interested. She knew her away around scaring kids and he didn't know if he should be impressed or worried.

But now, after school, HE felt like the asshole. He didn't want ro talk to Mirio or Nejire. At least not yet. He found it unfair how they can just ignore and avoid him for months and he felt obligated to sit there and listen to them.

He only went to his dorm to get his bag and books, and headed out. He walked without really thinking about where he was going. But soon enough, he stood in fronr of Evelyn's dorm room..

Were they close enough to just show up at each other's dorms, unannounced? Well she does it to him, occasionally. He never understood why she did that, just knocked on his door, said hi and left... Maybe she was just weird.

...yeah she was just weird.

He sighed and knocked on her door gently. "DENKI, I SWEAR TO GOD-," Her words stopped at the sight of Tamaki. "Tamaki! What're you doing here," Immediately, her annoyed tone flipped to something happy.

"I was wondering if you wanted to study at the Cafe," He rubbed the back of his neck. "Unless you're busy."

"I'm not busy. Let me get my stuff and changed out of my uniform," Tamaki nodded and moved to the wall next to her door, waiting silently. When she finally came out, she had her bag, in her signature hoodie and a random pair of jeans. "Let's go."

Tamaki and her headed out the dorms, starying the walk to the Cafe. "So what made you ask me to study out of nowhere?"

"I just... Something with Mirio," He sighed. "Kind of wanted to talk about it. And you give, uh, somewhat okay advice."

"Thanks, and rude. But go on, tell me what happened, I'm listening," Despite her mask being on, he could hear the smile.

"It's wasn't really anything, I guess. But I saw him coming up to me, saying my name, and I just walked away," Evelyn snorted quietly. "What?"

"It's... It's a little funny," She turned to him. "I'm imagining what he thought. 'Why is he walking away from me? Hiw dare he not want to talk to me after ghosting him for however many weeks, or months at this point'," She giggled. "What'd did his face look like. Recreate it, right now. Show me. I need to know."

"I didn't see his face," Evelyn frowned at that. "But I did see his walk, it was like," He imitated an extremely dramatic sad walk, making Evelyn laugh.

"That makes up for the face," She smiled. "I say if you don't wanna talk to him yet, don't. If you want to hear him out, do it. If you aren't ready, don't. It's up to you," She stepped in front of him, stopping them both as she leaned in. "Besides, not to be selfish, I think we're having a grand ole time together."

Tamaki X Female OC Where stories live. Discover now