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                 ZAKHELE KHOZA

It's been two weeks since I last saw my wife. In all my years, I've never felt my house be this cold.
“Bozza, still nothing from the madam?”
“She is really your wife, how she managed to disappear without a trace.”
I laughed with Mlindo. “She is really my wife. What if something bad happened to her?”
“Relax bozza, we will find her. Don't worry.”
“The business is doing well, the Kaap mense want another batch.”
I was looking at pictures of me and Khumo on our wedding day. She looked so beautiful in her red and black traditional Zulu dress. Where are you ndoni?..
“Huh.. you were saying?”
“You're thinking about the madam?”
“Who would've thought that one day I would be so in love?” I shook my head and laughed.
Mlindo punched my shoulder then left.

I was useless at work, I drove home.

I was trying to make Khumo’s beef and stir fry but it didn't taste like hers.  Deep in thoughts, I heard my phone ring. I couldn't believe my eyes... “My love?”
“Hello Zakhele.”
“Are you okay wherever you are, do you need anything?”
“I'm okay Zakhele, I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine.”
“I miss you sthandwa sami. Please come back home.”
“I miss you too.” I smiled when she said that. There was still hope for us.
“Where are you?”
“I'm at the village, Keneilwe tried to kill herself but she's okay.”
“I'm sorry to hear that, can I come and see you?”
“That won't be necessary, Keneilwe is well now and at home. It's time I come back home as well.”
“Are you giving us another chance?”
“Do you want another chance?”
“We'll talk once you're home.. Khumo?”
“I love you baby, I know right now you might not believe me but I really do.”
“I have to go now Zak, we'll talk soon.”


I stood by Khumo’s door and listened to her talking to her husband. Ever since I was discharged, I've noticed how she's sad. Sometimes I would find her looking at her wedding pictures or playing with her wedding ring.
I knocked before I entered. “Are you busy?”
She tapped the empty space on her bed. “Come and talk with your sister.”
I found myself laughing as I climbed the bed, “I would like to apologize first for all the pain and misery I have brought into your life.”
“I thought we were over the apologizing now? I said I will see by your actions if you're really sorry.”
“I promise I will do my best to work on our broken relationship.”
“I don't want promises as well Keneilwe.” she played with her wedding ring again.
“You miss him don't you?”
“Your husband.” she smiled and nodded
“I miss him badly.. I thought by now I would have came to a decision regarding our marriage. I thought I would hate him but I miss him.. am I a fool?” she wiped her tears. “Why can't I hate him for what he did?”
“You're not a fool for being in love Khumo. If there's a chance for you two to fix things, take that chance.. that way you won't have regrets five years later. You don't want to ask yourself, ‘what if’ when it's too late. Life is too short ngwana Mme.”
“When did you become this smart?” she tickled me, I tickled her back.. my tummy hurt from all the laughing.
“Khumo tlhe Mma!”
The laughter died down, we looked at each other and smiled. She traced her fingers on my face and the healing cuts on my wrists. “You know you're beautiful Keneilwe.. very beautiful, what went wrong?”
“We're starting on a clean slate right?”
“I can't tell you, I don't want you to get involved.”
“I got involved the day I was abducted. Now talk.”
“I don't know where to start.”
“Start wherever you want. It can be at the beginning or the end, just make me understand.” she removed a bottle of wine from underneath the pillow and held it in the air. “Go lock the door.” I laughed then went to lock.
“If you tell your Mom that I gave you wine, I'll never forgive you!”
We drank the wine from the bottle, I exhaled. “I've always been jealous of you, I don't know why but I was. I hated that you and Papa were so close and I didn't have that with him... Now I know I didn't even give him a chance into my personal space. When he passed away, a lot of things became clear.. dad never had a favourite, he loved us both so much but I was blinded by jealousy, I believed that he loved you more.”
“Oh, Punkie, come here..” I lay my head on her shoulder as she rubbed my face.
“I still don't understand how you could be so strong after all we have put you through.. no matter how bad we treated you, you still excelled in your academics. You had friends who loved you, who had your back. Boys wanted you and I didn't understand why... I hated it more when I wanted a guy but he was more interested in you.”
“Boys were the last thing on my mind Neilwe.”
“I know that now. Someone I had thought was my friend introduced me to Robert. I didn't love him, I liked that he gave me money. I didn't have to ask anyone for anything.”
“Money you didn't work for always come with a price tag Punkie.”
I nodded, “at first he didn't want anything but ‘my friend’, told me that I need to keep him happy if I want him to give me more money. I need to act like an adult. I told him that I was seventeen, about to turn eighteen.” I gulped the wine then exhaled again. “I gave TK my virginity, he was not bad.. Robert was just ugly. I started sleeping with them both then I started sleeping with TK’s young brother as well.” I looked at Khumo and she was listening, I didn't know if. She was judging me internally.
“Did TK know that you're seeing Robert as well?”
“I didn't tell him not even about Tumisang.. but Tumisang, knew that I was sleeping with him and his brother.”
“You know there's a high chance they both knew that they were sleeping with you?”
“Yeah... Once I had noticed that I don't want to be with Robert anymore, it was too late. There was no way out. He threatened me with you.. he would send me pictures of you on a daily basis to remind me that if I don't do what he wanted...”
“How did Tidi get involved?”
“I called her because I needed advice and was about to tell her about Robert but somehow he heard my conversation with her, he sent me a text to warn me.”
“I'm so sorry you went through all of this. Maybe if I had been a sister and not a mom, I would have noticed that you're not happy.. you're crying for help.”
“Don't do that.” I held her tight, we held in to each other very tightly.. “I did this to myself.”


I looked at Neilwe sleeping next to me. I brushed her afro gently before leaving a kiss on her cheek.
I got off the bed, took my laptop and went to the dining room. I needed to find out more about this Robert Welsh.
All I got was that he owned a strip club and had a transport business. Nothing else. Maybe I could hire a private investigator.. I remembered the number that lady gave me. My aunt, I called her.. it rang for a while before she answered.
“Hi, it's Khumo.”
“Oh, my brother's daughter?”
“Yes, I know it's been a while since you gave me your numbers.”
“It's okay I understand. How can I help you?”
“I need your help. You once mentioned that your husband is a private investigator, right?”
“I wonder if it would be possible for him to investigate someone for me, I'll pay don't worry. Or if he knows someone he could refer me to them?”
“He is not home at the moment, once he is home I'll tell him.”
“Thank you and sorry for waking you up.”
“It's okay Nana, is everyone okay back home? Your sister and mother?”
“Everyone is well thanks for asking.”
“I heard that you got married as well, congratulations.”
“I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I didn't want any awkwardness. Hope you understand?”
“I do, good bye.”

I decided to finish up my portfolio since I could not fall asleep. Evelyn has been sending me notes of everything that was done while I was away. I'm grateful we were not writing any tests. For my portfolio assignment, I had the wedding theme, not my favourite but I liked the challenge. I had already designed two dresses and needed three more. My design juices were not flowing, I didn't have any inspiration.
I made myself some coffee then cleared up the table.. before I went to my room, my phone rang, I didn't know the number... “Khumo Khoza, hello?”
“Hi, I'm sorry for calling at this time but it was now or never.”
“Sorry whose this?”
“Oh snap! Sorry, it's Katarina from the college, I don't know if you know me. I'm a first year student.”
“Calm down Katarina, I know you. How can I help you?”
“I need help with my assignment, I know I should've asked a bit earlier while we had time but I have not seen you at school for about two weeks.”
“What assignment?”
“So, we have to pair up with either a final year student or second year, to help us design and make outfits for the Durban fashion week.. for the spring line. I was hoping you could help me out, please...”
“Yes, you! I have seen your portfolio from last year and it is amazing. I'm not into bold colours and patterns like you, I need that boldness. I know with you on my side, we're going to nail this assignment.”
“I'm flattered, I mean this coming from someone who has worked with celebrities.. that's a huge compliment.”
“I'm a good designer I'll admit but I'm not much of a seamstress.. I'm still working on that part. As for you Mrs Khoza, you have been given both the talent! It's rare to find a designer that can design and make the product as well.”
“Okay, fine.. fine I'll help you. When is the due date for everything?”
“Three weeks time, four outfits.”
“Wow! Listen, let me finish my assignment then I'll help you out.”
“Thank you!”

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