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I was at Dolly's waiting for Robert. She didn't even want me in her house but she had no choice.
“Do you know when Robert will be here?” before she could reply, we heard a knock on the door.
“Come in!” a short man with a big body walked in. Robert's men accompanied him in. I looked at Dolly and she looked at me.
“Where is Robert?” I asked them
“He had to rush somewhere, that's why this man is here.”
“To do what?” Robert's man grabbed my arm and dragged me outside.
“That's one of Robert's oldest client. He has to be made happy. Just make him happy, life might be a little bit easier for you.” I looked back in the house and I felt like puking. I tried to hold it in but I couldn't. I threw up on Dolly's doorstep. It felt like someone was squeezing my insides as I puked. When I was done, I cleaned up and went back in the room.
The man tapped his lap, indicating that I should sit on his lap. Every step I took to him felt like forever. I sat on his lap and he moved my dress a little bit up, brushed my inner thigh and licked his black lips.
“This is not a brothel, you two should find another place to do your nonsense!”
“Are you defying Robert's orders Dolly?” another bodyguard asked
“This is my place not Robert's!” he slapped her.. my eyes widened. I was not the one who was slapped but I felt my cheeks burn. They dragged her out and locked the door. I was all alone with Mr short guy.

“Come to daddy strawberry.. come and sit here.” I sat on his lap and he started kissing me. I just sat there, disgusted with the things I've been doing. He stopped the kiss and looked at me, I kissed him back and unzipped his pants. I got off him and removed the dress I had on. The look he gave me was not a pleasant one. I held his hand and we walked to the bed, I straddled him and slowly sat on his fat dick. “Ohh, yes baby!”
I went up and down on his dick but it kept on slipping out and that would annoy him. I turned and did the reverse cowgirl, thinking that would make the situation better. He moaned out loud as he slapped my ass cheeks. I don't know how he did it but he flipped us over and had me in a doggy style. I was disgusted by what I was doing but my body was not.
“Mhmm.. yeah...” I moaned.
He thrusted in and out while rubbing my clit. I fucked him back. I blocked everything and tried to enjoy myself. “Yes strawberry.. ahh fuck baby.” he pulled out and turned me around, before ramming into me again. “Ahhhh!” we both moaned
He spread my legs wider, kept on going in and out while choking me. I used my free hand to rub myself, I felt my orgasm nearing. “Faster please.. yes! Right there...”

               KHUMO MORAPEDI

Ever since I got the news that I'm about to be someone's wife, I have locked myself in my room. I've missed a few classes and work. I probably don't have a job anymore. I felt so weak and drained, must be from hunger. The only time I left this room was to go to the bathroom only. I have not ate anything in four days. I heard a knock on the door, “Khumo you need to leave this room at some point. At least come and eat something...”
I ignored her and just lay on the bed, thinking about Gogo’s warnings about my mom. I really hate my life right now!
“Khumo, Evelyn said I should tell you that today you're writing a mock test and you can't miss it.”
I heard Kaitlyn talking to Zandi, “she's still refusing to open the door?”
“Yeah.. this is not healthy.” I heard more knocking.. more like banging.
“Khumo Morapedi, if you don't leave this room as soon as I leave, hell will break loose!”

My phone was off, I didn't even know what time it is? Or if Keneilwe got back to me. I got off bed and unlocked the door then went to take a long bubble bath. Kaitlyn, always listens to music when she baths. She has this tiny speaker box, she leaves in the bathroom. I listened to the music or the sounds.. because no one sang, it was only sounds. Earth sounds! Very soothing and relaxing. I liked the ocean and chirping of birds more. I felt so much better afterwards.
I wore an above the knee, yellow pleated dress with spaghetti straps. I wore white sneakers, my afro was in a low sleek bun. I looked at myself and my brown skin, paired with the yellows dress made sense.. I looked and felt good. Zandi and Yolanda have shown me how to dress for my body, which plus-size people to follow to boost my confidence.. make up tutorials and I'm so grateful. I wear less covering unlike before. If I feel comfortable and sexy in it, I'm buying it! I gave myself one last look before going out to have breakfast.
“I was about to come and drag you out of that room..” Kaitlyn said the second I joined them at the table.
“I'm here now, stop with the drama.”
“We have been worried sick about you.. you can't blame us!” Zandi
“I know and I'm sorry for making y'all worry. I was not feeling well.”
“When a person does not feel well, they go and see a doctor?”
“I know Kaitlyn...” I saw Zandi, staring at me with a gorgeous smile on her face. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at her. “What?”
“I see you listen well... Look at how your melanin is eating up that dress! You look fucken gorgeous.”
“Our black Barbie!” Kaitlyn
I looked down and smiled.

After our breakfast, Zandi, forced me to take pictures. I'm not a picture person, I don't know how to pose. She and Kaitlyn would tell me how to stand, where to look and when to smile the entire time! I enjoyed it...

                 ZAKHELE KHOZA

I was at the hotel office, waiting for Mlindo’s call. I've not heard a thing from Khumo. She has been missing classes and work. I had to ask one of my men, to guard her place and call if she steps out of the building. It's been four days, still nothing! I could feel my anger rising, I grabbed the stress ball and squeezed it tight. The door opened and Mlindo walked in. “Bozza yam’ I'm back.”
“I've not heard a thing from you.”
“There's really nothing to report bozza. Sy is altyd in die huis! No boyfriend or girlfriend.. nix.” (she's always in the house!)
“So you found nothing interesting about my wife to be!”
“Nix bozza! Fokol!”
“Did you check her family members out?”
“Nee, moet ek hulle ook ondersoek?” (no, should I investigate them as well?)
“For now, don't.. I'll give you a call when I need you Mlindo.”
I opened the drawer to put my stress ball, then I took out my secret phone and called Hammer,
“Hammer, has the stock left?”
“We couldn't send the last batch but by midnight it will be gone.”
“Why was it not sent with the other batch?”
“I had a tip off, that there might be a raid at the airport.. didn't want mistakes.”

I tried Khumo again but still nothing. This was frustrating! Just answer your phone! I grabbed my car keys and used the elevator to go the garage. Just as I drove out, my phone beeped indicating that I had a message. I smiled seeing what I received. It was pictures of Khumo, wearing a yellow dress. This girl was absolutely gorgeous. She was perfect! I've traveled the world, seen beautiful ladies.. even slept with them but there's something about Khumo, that just makes me want her more. I don't want any guy close to her. I want her to myself. I want to give her everything she wants and needs.

By 20h00 I was at the club where she works. I was not going to cause any drama. I just want to see her. From where I was seated, I saw her walk in.. fuck! The pictures didn't do her any justice. She looked like a goddess. I sat back and admired her from a distance. I saw her smile as she talked with Enzo.. I should be the one making her smile. Enzo is like me, we don't fall in love.. we play the field and enjoy ourselves. I've observed him ever since Khumo worked here, he also wants her to himself but I won't let that happen. Not in this lifetime.

I was on my phone replying some emails, when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and it was her. I smiled at her but she didn't.
“Your glass is empty so I brought you another drink.”
I nodded and looked at her for the longest time. “You're very beautiful Khumo.”
“Thank you. Do you need anything else?”
“Only you by my side.”
“I really don't have time for this...” she turned about to walk away, I held her hand.
“How about when you're not busy, I take you out for dinner? That way we can get to know each other.”
“That won't matter because you're still forcing me to marry you.”
I got up and stood in front of her. Her height was perfect. She had to tilt her head a bit to be able to look me straight in the eyes. “Dinner this coming weekend, you can pick the place? I want to know my fiance better.”
“Can I at least think about it?”
“Fair enough...” I gave her a kiss on the forehead and left.

Khumo: the arranged weddingWhere stories live. Discover now