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                KHUMO MORAPEDI

A month later

“Khumo, Khumo come here.”
“Gogo o ko kae?” (where are you?)
“Follow your heart and you will find me Nana. Just follow your heart.”
“I can't see you Gogo.”
I looked around but there was so much darkness, I could not see a thing. I walked near a dam and looked at myself. I was wearing a tattered dress, my feet were bleeding and my hair a mess.

The girl looking back at me, looked so miserable. I looked miserable. My face was stained with bruises. I crouched down to have a closer look and I saw Keneilwe, she was in tears trying to reach out to me but couldn't. I saw a man I didn't know beat her up and drag her down the stairs. I tried so hard to scream but I couldn't, my legs were glued to where I was.

“Gogo, please help her. Do something!” I looked around and my grandmother was not close to me anymore. “Gogo?”

“Khumo wake up!”
Gogo, please help her! Do something.
“Khumo vuka!”
Mhmm.. mhmm, someone please help her.
“Khumo!” I woke up panting and looked around.
“Hey, it's just a bad dream, calm down.”
“No, no.. no it's not a dream it felt so real. My baby sister, I have to help her.. I have to.”
“Where are you going at this time of the night? It's late, I'll sleep with you, move to the other side.”


“Keneilwe, breakfast is ready!”
“I'm coming.”
I stirred my coffee, my mind far away. I was too tired, I have not been getting any sleep for the past month. I keep on seeing Dorris baby crying so badly. Now I'm also dreaming about Khumo bleeding badly, I don't know if I'm starting to lose my mind or I'm already crazy.
“Mama your phone is ringing.”
I snapped out of it, and it was an unknown number.
“Motlalepula, when are you coming back to work? My boyfriend does not pay you to just sit at home and do nothing.”
“Amahle, what do you want? Or should I say madam?”
“Don't you dare! I also know that you took some of my clothes from my closet. Do you have any idea how much those clothes cost?”
“Madam, I don't know what you're talking about.. about work, didn't your boyfriend tell you that I've resigned?”
“Good bye madam, I won't miss you and your annoying voice.”

I looked at Keneilwe and she was lost in her thoughts. She has been really quiet and that's worrying. Maybe I've been tough on her.
“Punkie, are you okay my baby?”
“Yeah, I just miss Khumo.. weird I know, but I was used to having her around all the time.”
“You need to focus on yourself and achieving your goals, stop thinking about Khumo. She's living her own life in Johannesburg.”
“Mama why do you hate Khumo?”
“Yeses.. yeyi! If it's not Dorris asking me nonsense, it's my own daughter. Why would I bring someone to this world only to hate the person?”
“Mama I was just asking no need to act crazy.”
“Shouldn't you be on your way to school?”

             KHUMO MORAPEDI

I skipped classes today, I was not feeling well. I didn't know if I was in danger or Keneilwe, is the one in danger?
Zandile came into my room holding a tray that had breakfast. “Good morning princess.”
“Good morning Zandi.”
“I brought you something to eat, I hope you're hungry?”
“I'm starving.. I didn't freak you out last night right?”
“Girl you scared the shit out of me!” we both laughed. “But Kaitlyn told me that you have been having these dreams for a while now?”
“Yeah, it's always been like this.. my great-grandmother, usually communicates with me via dreams. I know it sounds unreal but yeah.”
“I'm a black woman Khumo, such things I'm familiar with. Maybe Kaitlyn wouldn't understand but I do.”
“I wish I didn't though. The things I've seen because of these dreams.. hectic!”
“Askies, I have to go to my classes now I'll see you later.”
“Someone called Evelyn, will give you my notes, please bring them for me?”
“I'll do so.” she gave me a kiss then rushed out. I just sat on the bed thinking about the weird dream. I didn't want to sleep again. How I looked in that dream was unsettling.
Once I was done feeling sorry for myself, I cleaned the apartment and did some laundry. I had an hour nap because I had to work the night shift today.

Zandi and Kaitlyn, were getting ready for the club. One of these days I'm joining them, just to experience the club life.
“Ladies I'm leaving!”
“Where are you going?”
“I told you that I'm working the night shift today. Apparently there's some rich dude who booked the restaurant today, all hands on deck.”
“I wish I was you.”
“When there's events or a place is booked, that's when you make real money!”
“Okay, let me leave. You two have fun.”

Arriving at work, I was shocked to see the female staff wearing black short dresses and gold bowties. I clearly didn't get the memo. I went downstairs to ask Sipho what was going on.
“As I said Khumo, when we have such events this is what you wear. Didn't you read your contract?”
“I did but I didn't think the dresses were this short.” I was lying I think I skipped the dress code part.
“Those dresses are not short trust me. Some of the female staff, made theirs short, just go get dressed Khumo, as you can see it's a bit busy down here as well.”
“Okay.” I went back to the change rooms and looked at my dress, then at myself. The dress might not even fit! Yolanda walked in while I was still standing in front of the mirror.
“Girl, are you good?”
Yolanda, was not a skinny girl but she was also not fat. She was light in complexion and had a flat stomach. “I'm okay.”
“You're wondering if the dress will fit right?”
I looked down and nodded.
“Don't let your mind play tricks on you. Just wear the dress and see if it fits, if it doesn't we'll find one that does. Stop stressing.”
I wore the dress and it was just a four fingers above the knees. At least it didn't expose any boobs.
I bumped into Enzo on my way out. “Damn Khumo!”
“Hello Enzo.”
“Hi to you too.” I left him there and hurried to the restaurant and it looked amazing. Most of the guests had arrived and everyone smelt of money. They looked the part. We were serving them drinks and finger foods. The ladies were snobs, thinking we're their maids. If they had their way, we would accompany them to the bathroom as well.
“If I can get one of these men, I would never have to work again.”
We all laughed at Yolanda.
“Imagine if you had friends who could book an entire restaurant just for your birthday?”
“Yeah, you see that dude wearing a powder blue shirt and black tie?” I looked at the person she was pointing. “That's the birthday boy or man? Whatever.. his best friend organised this for him.”
“They must be very close.”
“Ohh, they are very close.”
“So this is what they do normally?”
“Not really, they usually chill downstairs at the VIP section.”

By 23h00 I was tired and this place was booked until 01h00. Yolanda came rushing to me and pulled me to the kitchen. “Girl can you cover for me?”
“Where are you going?”
“Do you really want to know, you look so innocent?”
“Do you want my help or not?”
“One of the guys asked me to meet him outside and I couldn't say no. He is my way out.”
“What must I do?”
“Take these cigars and bottle of whiskey, to that table. Then come back and take these bottles of champagne to those ladies over there.. and take them these snacks as well. Thank you, bye!”

I pulled my dress down then took the cigars and whiskey to the guys. Every step I took I felt like I would faint. “Good evening gentlemen.” I felt like someone was looking at me, I turned and found Enzo looking at me.. I smiled and waved.
“Such a yummy man, girl you're lucky.” one of the girls said.
“I'm talking about your boyfriend, the one you just waved at?”
My light bulb went on and I laughed. “You mean Enzo? He is not my boyfriend.”
“I'll go and try my luck then?” she got up and went to Enzo. I just shook my head and laughed. As I turned around I bumped into someone and the tray I was holding, slipped from my hands onto the ground. I looked up and saw some alcohol spills on the white shirt of the person I had bumped into. “I'm really sorry sir, I should have been more careful. Uhm.. I'll pay to take it to the dry cleaners.. I'm so sorry.” I was trying to wipe his shirt but I made it worse. I slapped myself internally. Really Khumo?
“It's fine, it was a mistake.” his eyes pierced into mine. I was so embarrassed, I rushed to get a broom to sweep the broken glasses.
The guy I had bumped into, kept on looking at me the entire time, I picked up the bigger glasses. I noticed a pair of shoes in front of me, I looked up and it was him again. “Sorry sir, you're standing on broken glass.”
“I didn't get your name?”
I know I messed up his expensive shirt but he doesn't have to report me, I did say I'll get it fixed. “You never asked for my name.” I heard his friends laugh.
“I'm Zakhele Khoza, and you are?..” I looked at his extended hand and exhaled.
“Khumo.. Khumo Morapedi.” he held my hand for the longest time while staring at me as if studying me.
“Motlalepula’s daughter?”
“You know my mother?”
He nodded. “Nice to meet you Ms Morapedi, and don't worry about the shirt.”
“Thank you sir.”
“Zakhele! I'm not that old to be called sir.”
“Okay sir..” I slapped my forehead. “I meant Zakhele.”

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