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                KHUMO MORAPEDI

One month later

“Tidimalo, I told you I have to get ready for my classes.”
“Stop being so uptight, tell me how is Joburg treating you?”
“I've never been so happy in my life! It's like I'm a new person. How's Cape Town?”
“Not bad, I just miss you so much.”
“I miss you too. I'm thinking of finding a part time job, who knows maybe I'll come and visit you?”
“I hope you get lucky. I've been looking for a job since I got here, now I'm tired.”
I couldn't stop laughing. “Tidimalo tsala yaka tlhe wa tsenwa. You've been only there for like a month, you can't expect to find a job so easily.” (my friend you're crazy.)
“You might be right, have you heard anything from Itsanang?”
“The last time I spoke to her was a few days before I came here, nothing afterwards. I've tried calling but she doesn't answer.”
“Maybe she's really pregnant..”
“Huh? Where did you hear that?”
“Do you remember Caroline?”
“Apparently she goes to the same nursing college with Itsanang and she found her taking a pregnancy test.”
“But we're her friends, she shouldn't be embarrassed if she's pregnant.”
“Maybe she's still trying to let the news sink in?”
“Maybe, listen Mmata I really have to go now. Bye.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”

I sat on the bed and looked at my reflection on the mirror. “To going after our dreams baby girl.” I blew myself kisses.
I got dressed and went to have breakfast in the kitchen. I felt hands around my waist. “Good morning sweety.”
“You're up early Kaitlyn?”
“I have an early lesson. Where's Zanele?”
“She didn't sleep here.”
“Lucky fish! I can't even keep a boyfriend for a month.”
“At least you have had a boyfriend.”
“Don't tell me you've never had a boyfriend before?”
“Not a single one!”
“So you're still a virgin?”
“Hey!” I slapped her hand. “What's wrong with being a virgin?”
“You're such a bubbly person, I never thought you're part of the virgin crew.”
“Stop teasing me Kaitlyn.”
“Sorry, will you wait for me so we can go together?”
“Okay, I still have about an hour to spare before my lesson.”

I looked at my dad's pictures and felt so lonely. I miss him every single day. I wish I could see him one more time. I suddenly felt sleepy, I put my head on the pillow and it was lights out...

I was barefoot in a garden that had so many thorns. I looked thinner and my skin was so dry. I looked around but I couldn't spot anyone. Am I dead or I'm dreaming? “Hello, is anyone here?”
I looked around but could not see the person calling me.
“Where are you?”
I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned and it was my great-grandmother. “Gogo?”
“Ke nna ngwanaka.” (it's me my baby.)
“Your voice sounds different.”
“I know princess, I know.”
“Why am I here? Am I dead?”
“No my baby, you're not dead. I'm here to warn you Nana.”
“About what?”
“Your mother and Keneilwe.”
“What did they do now?”
“I know you're very angry at Keneilwe, but she's really trying to change. She has seen her wrongs, give her a chance. Right now I'm only seeing darkness surrounding her. She's not much of a praying person like you, I can't reach her with dreams.”
“I don't think I understand.”
“Your sister has made really bad choices in life and she doesn't know how to get out. I'm really trying to protect you two from where I am but the amount of darkness surrounding her, is making things difficult. Pray for her as well, when you pray for yourself, don't let hate overpower you.”
“Is mama also in danger?” it started raining badly. “Gogo? Where are you now?”

“Khumo wake up! Khumo!”
I woke up and ran to the window and opened it to get some air. Kaitlyn was hot on my heels. “Babe, are you okay?”

I kept on inhaling and exhaling. It felt like someone had sucked all the oxygen and I could not breathe. My heart was racing.

“I'm fine now.. I'm okay.”
“You scared me! I heard you groaning and speaking nonsense in your sleep.”
“I'm sorry, that happens when I'm talking to my great-grandmother..”
Kaitlyn raised a brow, “great-grandmother? Didn't you say she's late?”
“It's a long story, let's go.”


Robert is making my life uncomfortable. He made me skip school today, to learn how to dance on a strip pole. This old man has lost his marbles! I quickly sneaked into the house when I saw mama going in the toilet. My phone has been vibrating non stop. “Hello?”
“Hello Keneilwe.”
“Khumo?” I checked my phone and it was her. We have never heard from her, ever since she left for college.
“Yes it's me.”
“We have been trying to call you.”
“My phone has been giving me problems. How are you?”
“I'm good, how's Joburg treating you?”
“I'm still trying to find my feet. Can I ask you something?”
“Are you in trouble?”
“What do you mean Khumo?”
“Don't act like you don't understand what I'm talking about. Is someone forcing you to do anything you don't want?”
“Keneilwe, I know you when you're lying to me but just know that if you want to talk I'm here.”
“Thank you.”
“Okay, bye.”
“Don't you want to talk to mama?..” the phone was just quiet. She cut the call!

Just when I wanted to close my eyes, mama knocked on the door.
“Keneilwe! Open this door!”
“Mama I'm doing homework.”
“I said open this door!”
I took out my books and spread them on the bed, then opened the door. “What do you want mama?”
“What do I want, in my own house? Satan wa nteka! Wa nteka.” (Satan is testing me! He really is.)
“Mama I'm really trying to do my homework.”
“Homework ya eng, when you didn't go to school, bloody shit!”
She removed her slippers and threw them at me. This woman has never hit me, what's wrong with her!
“Mama wa masepa! O tswa kae?” (where are you from?)
“From school..”
“I'm going to give you one more chance.” she picked up my school shoes, aiming them at me.
“Your teacher called me today that you have not been to school. They said I must come and see them tomorrow. O tswa kae?”
I just kept quiet and looked down.
“If you fall pregnant and think I'm going to take care of that baby, you're wrong! Very wrong.”


I was at the mall waiting for someone to bring me my parcel. I looked around but could not spot anyone. This can't be happening! I already paid this person. I ordered another cup of tea and tried calling the person but it just rang.
I turned and looked at Caroline. “Hi.”
“It's so hot, why are you dressed like that?"
“I think my body is still trying to adjust to this weather. I have flu.”
“Okay, do you mind if I sit I'm waiting for someone?”
“No problem.” I saw Tidimalo’s cousin coming to our table. Why did I have to meet so many people from the village today of all days?
“Hey you.” she gave me a hug then sat down.
“Bathong Itsanang, in this heat what's with a trenchcoat?”
“Have you tried calling Tidi today?”
“No why?”
“I have been trying to call her but it goes straight to voicemail.”
“She's probably in class. Listen, uhm.. I have to go now I just remembered something that I need to buy.” I quickly left them there before they could ask any questions. I looked around the mall thinking maybe I would spot the person but nothing. I have been scammed!

I sat in the taxi waiting for it to get full do we can leave. I can't believe I was scammed. I wiped my tears and looked out the window. My phone vibrated in trenchcoat, it was Khumo. I let it ring. I don't know what to tell them.
This coat, was not making things easier for me, I was sweating profusely. I just wanted to get home and take it off. I rubbed my tummy and let the tears fall. I'm really sorry nana, I mumbled to myself. I wish I could keep you but I can't.
“Ausi o siame?”  (are you okay?)
I looked at the guy sitting next to me. I nodded and smiled.
“Why are you crying? Did your boyfriend dump you after you told him that you're pregnant?” he said that as a joke and laughed but I burst into tears. I couldn't help myself. “I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, it's okay.. shh, don't cry.” he held me until I calmed down.
“Are you pregnant?”
“I'm assuming you don't want to keep the baby?”
“Don't judge me, I'm not ready to have a child.”
“I'm not judging you. It's your body and the choice is yours.”
“I already feel bad for not wanting to keep this baby.”
“Don't.. take my number and when you feel like talking to someone, I'm here. Now stop crying”, he wiped my tears.

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