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I kept on tossing and turning the entire night, thinking about what Dolly said to me. This time around I have really messed up and got Khumo involved without her knowing. This could only mean that he knows where I stay.

Soon mama will be here guarding my every move! I don't know how I'm going to keep Robert happy. This is a nightmare. Just when I want to start on a new slate, Robert and his fat wallet ruin my plans. Papa, wherever you are please protect me. I know I have been a bad daughter but please. I have made bad choices and they have come to bite me in the vagina!
How I wish I was Khumo right now. I would give anything to leave this village and my past behind.

No use laying in bed and feeling sorry for myself, I got up and went to our parents room where Khumo was sleeping. I might not be her favourite person but I'm going to try my luck. I slowly opened the door and she had her headset on.
The way I annoyed her, I could hear her sigh from where I was standing.
“Can I come in?”
“O batlang Keneilwe?” (what do you want?)
I walked to her and sat on the bed.
“I want to ask something.”
“What's that?” she used pillows for support and removed her headset.
“What would you do if you were stuck between a rock and a hard place?”
“You're going to have to give me more than that.”
“What if you once did something, you're not proud of and when you try to change, that something comes back to bite you?”
“Is it something bad?”
“I wouldn't say bad.. bad.”
“Then what's really the problem here?”
“Let's say you break up with someone but that person doesn't want to accept that it's over.”
“Open a case then, so he can stay away from you.”
“That's not going to work. The person knows people and the docket would just get lost.”
I saw her looking at me with shock all over her face. “Keneilwe, were you dating a gangster?”
“No!.. no.. I didn't say I'm asking on my behalf.”
“I was not born a few seconds ago. So this gangster boyfriend of yours, is he the one who got you pregnant?”
Before I could answer her I saw her doing some serious mathematics with her forehead. “Wait you're not talking about TK, right?”
“Euw! No.. I said I'm not talking about me.”
“I think you came to the wrong person for advice. I don't even have a boyfriend. I've never had sex before, so I really don't know how to advise you. Just follow your heart. I hope whatever it is that's troubling you, won't get you into trouble..”

             KHUMO MORAPEDI

I enjoyed that little moment I had with Keneilwe today. I wished that we could have those conversations, a while back.
My phone vibrated on the bed,
“Khumo, you didn't forget that I'm leaving today right?”
“No. I'm still getting dressed then I'll come over.”
“You sound different today.”
“Different how?”
“I don't know that's the thing. Are you still going to meet Omphile?”
“Why did I agree to the meet up again?”
“Don't let Pula be the reason you don't want to see Omphile. Just do you.”
“I'll try. I wish you didn't have to leave today though.”
“I'm going to miss you so much! Wear that brown bandage dress we bought together, it will look hot on you.”
“That dress is too short.”
“I told you to stop dressing like an 90 year old! Also stop lying, I chose that dress and saw you wearing it, it's not short. I'll also wear my dress.”
“Okay fine!”

As soon as I was done bathing, I wore the dress and it looked good but that little voice in the head, that kept on telling me that I'm too fat was very much there. Keneilwe opened the door without knocking.
“Wow! Have you seen my sister Khumo somewhere?”
“I didn't hear you knock?”
“Sorry. You look beautiful.”
I kept on trying to pull the dress down until Keneilwe held my hands. “Stop doing that, you look beautiful and that dress suits you.”

I walked to the sports ground that was near Omphile’s home. I looked around like a lost sheep. I felt arms around my waist, I turned to look and it was him.
“I was about to go back home.”
“I told you to use the big gate, not the small one.”
“I'm here now, what did you want to talk about?”
“Let's go sit under the shade, I don't want a beautiful lady like you to get burnt by the sun.”
I looked down and blushed.
“Tell me, why were you ignoring me again?”
We both laughed. “I already told you.”
“I want you to tell me again.” he started tickling me
“Omphile, tlhe rra! Stop tickling me.”
“Why have you been ignoring me?”
“Okay, fine. Your brother thought it was cute for him and that Bianca to tell lies about me, that I slept with you.”
“Well, we almost did.”
“Almost doesn't count. We didn't sleep with each other.”
“He tells me that you threatened him as well.”
“I didn't, I just gave him a warning.. there's a difference.”
“What about the last time you were in my room?”
I looked the other side pretending that I didn't hear what he just said.
“I know you heard me Khumo.” he brought my face close to his and smiled.
“I was still drunk and I'm glad you stopped me from making a fool out of myself.” that's a lie Khumo, my subconscious spoke. You somehow think he doesn't want you because of your body.
“I really like you Khumo. Like a lot.”
“Or maybe you also placed a bet on who will take my innocence?”
He looked confused. “What are you talking about?”
“The only reason I was invited to the party, is because your brother had placed some bet that he would be the one to break my virginity.”
It started off with a chuckle that led to laughter, until he looked at my serious face. “You're actually serious?”
“Hmm?..” I turned to look at him and that's when he brought my face close to his, and kissed me. It took me a while to realise what's happening before I started giving in. He pulled me in, so I could straddle him. I didn't care that we're surrounded by people right now.
My dress had slightly moved up and that gave him more access to my thighs. The little drawings he did with his fingers on my skin excited my body. I moved a bit and I felt something poking me, I stopped the kiss to touch what was poking me. I looked at him and he smirked. “Is that your.. you know?”
“My what?” he said in between laughter
I lightly shoved him. “You know what I'm talking about.”
“Do you still want me to take your innocence?”
I was confused. A minute ago I wanted him but now I'm just confused. “Maybe?”
“Let's go..”


I read Robert's message over and over again. I can't believe he said he wants me to meet up with him. What if he wants to kill me?
I was walking to the taxi rank when I noticed that a car was following me. I walked slowly and the car took a different turn. I stopped and sighed. Now I was paranoid because of Robert. Before I could arrive at the rank, the same car I had thought was following me stopped in front of me. I panicked and tried to run but I didn't make it far. I felt strong hands covering my mouth as the person picked me up. I kicked in the air but I was immediately shoved in the car. I tried getting out but the car was locked.
“Hey! Hey.. let me out! Why am I here?”
“Just shut up! The boss said we should come pick you up.”
The boss? “Who the hell is the boss?”
“You will see him for yourself when we arrive.”
I couldn't even see a thing outside. I just sat there with tears in my eyes. The other big guy passed me his phone. “The boss wants to talk to you.”
“Baby girl!”
I'll be damned! This piece of shit is the reason these two ambushed me. “Robert!”
“Now are you going to start taking me seriously when I tell you that you're mine?”
“Robert, why can't you just leave me alone? You can have anyone else, I don't want to do this.”
“If I can't have you, your beautiful sister will take your place.. ohh how gorgeous she looked in that tight brown dress! Mhmm, I can already see myself on top of her enjoying myself.”
“Don't you dare touch my sister! Leave her out of this.. please.”
“You know what to do. Just be mine.”
“How do I know that you will leave her alone?”
“You won't.. but you know I never break my promises.”
“How are we going to do this because I'm still a student?”
“I'm not that bad, I'll let you finish high school maybe even let you go to varsity and have a boyfriend.. but always remember that I'm your master and you're my puppet! What I say goes, understand?”
“Yes master.”
“Good girl.”

His people left me where they found me. I had no idea how I was getting out of this one.. alive.

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