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                KHUMO MORAPEDI

Two months later

We received our matric results a week ago and I made it. I passed with four distinctions. I cried tears of joy on that day. I wished my dad was still alive.
Being at home stuck with Keneilwe was not part of my plans. I was at Tidimalo’s home listening to her telling me about how excited she is about going to Cape Town to study.
“Mmata you're really excited tlhe!”
“Anything to get me out of this village makes me happy.”
“I can see that my friend. I thought you said Itsanang is joining us?”
“I'm here!”
“Look at you looking pretty, Itsanang.
“Very beautiful, nurse Itsanang Tlhapi!” we all laughed and hugged one another.
“Wena Mrs designer, still nothing from the school?” Tidimalo
“No, the nursing College gave me a week to accept or decline their offer.”
“We know how much you want to get space at the design school.” Itsanang

I shrugged my shoulders.

“That school is a private college, how are you going to pay the fees?” Itsanang
“Mama said her boss offered to pay for my fees.”
“That's great news!”
“Not if I don't get space.”
“You will, stop panicking.” Tidimalo
“Wena, nurse Tlhapi, when are you leaving?”
“In two days Mmata.”
“I'm going to miss you guys so much!”
“Can we promise one another that no matter what, we'll always stay in contact with each other?”

We made pinky promises and helped Tidi pack her clothes.
Tidimalo is my best friend and I'm a bit sad that we won't see each other every day.
My phone rang and I ignored it.

“Who are you ignoring Mmata?”
I pretended to not hear her.
“Don't tell me you're still ignoring Omphile?”
I sighed and sat on the bed. “I am ignoring him, what does he want from me?”
“You won't know until you answer his calls.”
The phone rang again and Tidimalo snatched it from the charger and answered it,
“Khumo’s phone hello?”
“Hi, can I please talk to Khumo?”
She shoved the phone into my hands and I had no choice but to answer.
“How are you Khumo?”
“I'm fine.”
“You have been ignoring me from last year..”
“So, why are you still calling even though I'm ignoring your calls?”
“Ever since that incident in my room, you have been ignoring me.”
“I don't want to talk about it!”
“I'm still in the village, can we meet before I leave?”
“So that your brother can go around telling people that I slept with you?”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Pula embarrassed me at school and told everyone that I slept with you.”
“I'll deal with him, but can we meet? We can meet at the sports ground?”
“I'll see but now I have to go.”


Mama, what do you mean you're resigning?”
“Keneilwe, you can't stay at home by yourself.”
“Aunt Dorris, o teng she can keep an eye on me.”
“Don't ever mention that name around me!”
“What about Khumo’s college fees?
Since when do you care about her?” “Don't worry about her, I have everything under control.”
“Mama what did you do?”
“Just stop asking nonsense! When Khumo comes to  Johannesburg, I'll be coming home.”
“Why can't I come to Johannesburg as well, there plenty of schools there?”
“Maybe when you pass this year you can join her in Joburg?”
“I said maybe. I have to get back to work now, bye.”

I wonder what mom did to get her boss to pay for Khumo’s fees. He doesn't look like someone who would spend his money unless he is getting something in return. I sat in front of the mirror and touched my stomach, a few tears dropped and I quickly wiped them.
I heard the door open and close. “Khumo is it you?”
I went to the kitchen where she was. “I was just on the phone with mama.”
“She tells me that her boss is going to be paying your fees.”
“It looks that way.”
“You must be excited to finally leave the village?”
“Keneilwe what do you want? If you want to go have fun with your friends or TK you don't have to act so nice, just go.”
“I'm not acting nice, I'm really trying here.”
“Well maybe it's a bit late for whatever it is that you're trying to do?”

I don't blame her for the way she's acting towards me right now. I've been so mean for as long as I can remember. “I don't want any bad blood between us tlhe Khumo.”
She left me standing in the kitchen and went outside. I have really unleashed the monster in my sister. She was never one to hold grudges or to stay angry for this long.
I really thought we were bonding when our father passed away, but I misread the situation.
Khumo is not forgiving me anytime soon and there's nothing I can do about that.
What's even worse is that I don't even have real friends here. The only friend I had, introduced me to Robert. The only person who really cared about me does not care any more. I even had to change my numbers, because Robert kept on calling me non stop. I blocked him, only for him to call using a different number. I will miss his money but it's not worth me losing the little bit of me that I still have.

I was still cooking the maize meal, when I heard my phone ringing in the room. I stirred it a few times before running to my ringing phone. Unknown number?
“My baby girl!”
“Did you think you can hide from me forever strawberry?”
“How.. how did you get these numbers?”
“Did you not miss me because I have? I can't was to see you.”
“That won't be possible Robert. I don't want to see you anymore.”
“That's where you're wrong. I will see you when I want to see you. Remember that you belong to me baby!”
“I don't belong to anyone Robert! Stop acting like a crazy person.”
“You can change your numbers as many times as you want but I'll always find you.”
“Is that a threat?”
“I see you don't know me small girl. I know every single thing about you, your family and that beautiful, sexy chocolate sister of yours.”
I felt my insides shrinking and my boobs sweating.
“I also know that you lied about your age. I'm going to send you a cute picture and tell me if you like it or not.”

I looked at the pictures he was talking about. I could not believe what I was seeing. It was pictures of Khumo. I swallowed air and zoomed the pictures again and it's the same clothes she was wearing now, even the hairstyle. I immediately called Dolly, maybe she can help me out.
“Dolly it's me.”
“And I'm supposed to know that it's you because you said so?”
“It's me Keneilwe!”
“Oh, you.. what do you want?”
“Robert just called me and I didn't give him my new numbers.”
“Nothing new there. When Robert wants something, he makes sure he gets it.”
“Now he is sending me pictures of my sister to threaten me..”
I heard her laughing. “I'll say this again, you're naive sweety. Listen here, Robert, does not do threats. Once he sends you pictures of your loved ones, there's no more Mr nice guy.”
“Who is this guy and what have I gotten myself into?”
“This is the price you pay, when you don't appreciate the little that you have. From now on, you're his bitch and there's nothing you can do.”
“If I don't agree to his demands I'm toast!”
“Toast is very delicious, more like a rotten potato.”

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