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                KHUMO MORAPEDI

One of the things I hate about being in matric, is that after school you still have to stay behind and do some extra school work. It really gets tiring having to attend school, Monday to Saturday. We were given 15 minutes to catch a breather before the extra classes start. Me and Tidimalo decided to go and buy from the lady who sells outside our school. Just as we went out the gate, I heard Otsile calling me. I pretended not to hear him and continued walking to Ausi Ruth's stall. As we stood in the line, Otsile poked me on my shoulder. “Didn't you hear me calling you?”

“No I didn't.”
“We'll walk together after the classes right?”
“I'm walking with Tidi so you don't have to.”
“That's also okay. Retla tsamaya rotlhe.”

I sighed. Not that Bianca scares me or anything but she's from a well off family and she can make my life miserable. Oh let's not mention how Motlalepula would breath fire about how I'm chasing boys instead of focusing on my school work. “Okay fine, we'll all go together.”
When we walked back into the school I saw Bianca looking at me. At this moment I didn't care. What I don't understand is why would Bianca's parents let her attend school here in the village. Not that there's anything wrong with our school, but she could be attending at the fancy ones in town.

                   BIANCA TLOU

As soon as I saw Khumo leaving her class, I followed her out and saw her with that noisy friend of hers going to buy something to eat. I just stood there watching her. I hated Khumo with everything in me. She thinks she's better than everyone else. I don't know who lied to her and told her that she's beautiful. The only beautiful thing about her is her body. She had curves sitting in the right places, small boobs and a tiny waist. Besides that she wasn't pretty. Just dark skinned. I've noticed how Otsile has been trying to get her attention since grade 10 but she has been playing hard to get. Otsile will never be hers. He has to be mine!
“Bianca for how long are we going to keep on threatening Khumo? This is exhausting now.” Remofilwe asked.

I turned and looked at her. Unlike Khumo, Remo is absolutely gorgeous. She's everything pretty.

“Do you have anything better to do Remo?”

“Motho wa modimo. I can't spend my breaks stalking Khumo every single day. If I'm not stalking her during break time, it's on her Facebook account.” I heard Zanele and Yarona mumbling.

“Do you two share the same sentiments as Remo?” I asked looking at them.

“Not that we mind Bee, but can we tone it down a bit.” Zanele said.
Before I could answer them I saw Otsile giggling like a fool with Khumo. I don't understand what everyone sees in her. After they went inside the school yard we also went in.

               KHUMO MORAPEDI

I really hoped that Otsile was joking when he said he would be walking home with me. I lied saying Tidi would be walking with me. She never does. She takes a different route.
“I thought you said Tidimalo is walking home with you.”
“She changed her mind.” I said shrugging my shoulders.
“So Khumo Morapedi you still have no desire being my girlfriend?”
I stopped walking and looked at him. He can't be serious. He can't still want me to be his girlfriend after I rejected him in grade 10. “Le jaanong o santse o batla ke nna motho wa gago Otsile?” ( you still want me to be your girlfriend?) I said laughing.


“You do know that Bianca wants you right?”

“Did I perhaps say I want Bianca?”

“No. But I'm just letting you...” he didn't let me finish my sentence.

“Khumo if I wanted Bianca I would be with her. I let it go back then because I wanted to let you think about this without any pressure. We both in matric now.”

Khumo: the arranged weddingWhere stories live. Discover now