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               KHUMO MORAPEDI

The amount of nerves I had walking to Omphile’s home!
“Will Pula be there?”
“He went with our parents to Durban.
So there's no one at your house?”
“Yeah, they're only returning tomorrow.”
“Okay.” he unlocked his room and I sat on the chair.
He went out and came back with juice and burgers. “I hope you're hungry?”
My mind was not here, I was thinking about the school of fashion.
“Khumo are you okay?”
“Huh?.. yeah, yeah I'm good.”
“You're not even eating.”
“Sorry but I'm not that hungry, I'll eat this later. I'm quickly going to use the bathroom.”

I found him sitting on the bed when I returned. I stood in between his legs and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Are we doing this or not?”
With his hands on my waist, he pulled me in so that I lay on top of him. As we kissed, he lightly brushed his fingertips on my exposed skin. “Your skin is really beautiful Khumo.”
I don't know where this courage was coming from but I liked the courageous me. In between the kiss, I removed his t-shirt and left kisses on his neck before returning to his lips. Kissing has become my favourite thing ever!
He unzipped the zipper at the back and removed my dress. “You're still sure about this?”
I kissed him, that should be his answer. He flipped us, now he was on top.
He sucked on each of my nipples, giving them both some love. I swallowed my fear and put my hand in his pants to stroke his member. I heard him groan close to my ear. I must be doing something right, or wrong. I removed my hand. “Why did you stop?”
“I thought I did something wrong.” he was the one who put my hand back into his pants. The more I stroked him the weaker he became, I used the precum to coat the head of his member.
“Fuck Khumo!” he stopped me from stroking him any further and looked at me with his eyes half closed. “Just relax let me take care of you first.”
He used his teeth to remove my underwear without breaking any eye contact. I looked the other way. “Look at me Khumo.”
One hand was on my nipple, while the other his thumb rubbed my clit. This was a foreign feeling. At some point I wanted to close my legs tight but he would pinch my thighs and rub me even faster. He used a finger to penetrate first, then a second that's when I flinched.
“Relax okay? Don't think about it.”
Easier said than done. I took in a few breaths and I relaxed. Once I had relaxed, the fingers returned but this time around I enjoyed it. I felt some wetness between my ass. The more he rubbed the more I felt my core tighten. The wet sounds that came from him fingering me, drove me over the edge. I needed more. I felt his dick head on my vaginal opening. He used my juices to coat his dick.. he fondled my breasts as he rubbed my clit with the head. My toes curled and back arched. “Let go Khumo.” one gentle pinch to my clit and I let go! I screamed his name throughout...


At my age I should be at home, not cleaning someone else's mansion. I smiled walking around the main room. “Soon this will be all yours my baby.. soon we will be rich!”

I used my phone to take pictures to show Khumo. Who wouldn't want to live here? This place is a palace! Every room was beautiful. Maybe Khumo will build something like this at the village. Dorris would die from envy. I was cleaning under the bed when I heard someone clearing their throat. I turned and it was Amahle. She really thinks she's the lady of the house.

“Motlalepula, how many times must I tell you to not clean this room when I'm around?”
“You don't clean it the way it should be. Let me do my job and you stick to yours as well.”
“What do you mean?”
“Leave the cleaning job to me and you just keep the sheets warm.” I disappeared into the bathroom to clean. She followed me.
“You don't talk to me like that! You're just the help. You can be replaced at any time.”
“If you say so madam.”
“I told you to stop calling me madam! Do I look like an old wrinkled woman with five cats, to be called madam?”
I walked closer to her and studied her face. I just looked at her for the longest time.
“What are you doing Motlalepula?”
“When last did you go for your Botox, because I can see a few wrinkles.” she started screaming like a strangled cat. “I told you to smile a lot madam, it helps reduce the wrinkles.”
“I'm only 25, there's no way I can have wrinkles.” she flipped her long weave and applied more lipstick. “Don't cook, my man is taking me out for dinner tonight.”
Soon this will be over.. I mumbled
“What did you say?”
“Me?.. nothing madam.”

I watched her walk out and felt like hitting her with something on the head. Amahle annoys me so much! She thinks she's here to stay, if only she knew this house is finally about to have a new madam. I smiled thinking of the new couches that will be delivered at my home. I've already found building people to come and extend my home. I'm finally going to live like the queen I am. No more going outside to use the toilet. I'll have my own bathroom and my kitchen is going to be modern.
I opened the walk-in closet and I can already see Khumo’s new clothes in here. I took some of Amahle’s clothes.. they would fit Keneilwe, Khumo has more meat on her bones unlike Keneilwe. Both my children had beautiful bodies. If Keneilwe was a bit older, she would be the queen of this castle.
I continued to clean then went downstairs to make my boss some coffee and a sandwich. I knocked on his study.
“Come in!”
“I brought you some coffee and toasted mayo sandwich?”
“Thank you Motlalepula. Have you seen Amahle?”
“She said she's going shopping and I must not cook today.”
“You're taking her out for dinner. Are you done in here so that I can clean?”
“I'm still busy. Does your daughter know about our deal?”
I cleared my throat. “Not yet, I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to persuade her into being yours.”
“If you can't pull this of just tell me.”
“No! No.. no sir, don't worry I have everything under control.”


I ran to our room to see why Khumo was screaming.
“Khumo keng?”
“I just went through my emails and they replied.. I've been accepted!”
“Who replied?”
“The college where I'll be doing my fashion course? I've been chosen, they liked my portfolio!”
The excitement on her face was priceless. “I'm so happy for you.”
“Me too, I'm so happy!” she gave me a tight, bone crushing hug. Right at that moment I was happy, very happy.
“You're finally going to be free of my tantrums.”
“I'm not going to argue with that.”
I sadly smiled. “That means mama is finally coming home.”
“What do you mean she's coming home? What about her job?”
“She didn't tell you?”
“Maybe she was waiting to hear if you got accepted or not.” I shrugged my shoulders.
“If your mother wanted me to know, she would have told me.”
“Let me call her so you can give her the good news.” Khumo just shrugged her shoulders and sat on the floor, going through her photo album that had pictures of her, Tidimalo and Itsanang.

“Mama, hello?”
“Khumo is here as well.”
“Hello Khumo.”
“Hello mama.”
“Khumo got accepted at the fashion college!”

We heard her ululating on the other side. I looked at Khumo but she didn't look interested.

“I'm so happy for you ngwanaka. The devil is a lier! Your father must be happy wherever he is.”
“When were you going to tell me that you're leaving your job?” Khumo
“I was going to tell you Nana, don't worry we'll talk tomorrow.”
“Why tomorrow?” Khumo
“I'm coming there.”
“Bathong Khumo! It sounds like you prefer me being here than at home?"
“You're right about that.” Khumo left the room. I was shocked. Khumo is really turning out to be like me. This is not my sister. Did I push her that far?

“Your sister will be the death of me! Did you hear how she spoke to me?”
“Mama, Khumo has never been rude. Maybe she's on her period?”
“I'll deal with her tomorrow!”
“Mama tlhe! Just let her enjoy herself this once?”
“Fine! I have something for you..”
“I sent the pictures to your WhatsApp.”
“Okay mama, bye”

My life is about to be a movie! I have no idea on how I'm going to juggle school and Robert.

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