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               KHUMO MORAPEDI

A week later

I was on the phone with Zakhele, when Zandi came in. “I did say I'll see you tonight, what's with the drama?”
“I wouldn't be dramatic, if you had moved in with me.”
I sighed. “We talked about this motho waka. Let's not fight?”
“I'm not fighting.. I'm just saying.”
“Just saying? Baby, I'll see you later, bye.”
“Wait! What will you be wearing?”
“Yho Zakhele!” I smiled as if he could see me.
“Okay fine, I love you..”
“I love you too.” I looked at Zandile and covered my face.
“Someone is happy today!”
“I am very happy. To be honest I misjudged Zakhele. I didn't think I would fall this hard for him considering how we started our relationship.”
“I'm happy when you're happy.. so when is the wedding?”
“Yho Zandi, just wait with  the wedding! I don't even have a ring on my finger.”
“That's also something I wanted to ask, how come there's no huge diamond on that gorgeous finger, when you have a rich fiancé?”
“Let's say for now, we're boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“I did say you're a weird person!” we both laughed. “Are you going to spend the weekend at his place?”
“Have fun, I'm going out for a while.

After my shower, I called Tidimalo.
“Wareng Mmata?”
“I'm okay.”
“You don't sound okay.”
“I'm pregnant Khumo!”
“I'm pregnant.”
“I didn't even know you have a boyfriend.”
“I wish, it's a one night stand type of situation. I drank the morning after pill but this baby must have dodged the pill.”
“Are you keeping the baby?”
“Should I?”
“That decision can only be made by you, Mmata. Whatever decision you make, I'll support you.”
“I don't think I'm ready to be someone's mother Khumo.”
“Then don't be... I wish I was the with you. Be strong and do what's best for you.”
“How have you been since the abduction?”
“I'm fine.. one day at a time, now I'm good.”
“You're not lying to me are you?”
“I would never lie to you, I'm okay don't stress.”

We said our good byes, then I got dressed in my dark blue jeans and white bodysuit that had a low back V. Went outside where I met Jack. “Hi Jack.”
“Hi Khumo, are you well?”
“I'm good and you?” he took my small luggage bag and put it in the boot.
“I'm well thanks for asking.”
“How long have you known Zakhele?”
“If I'm not mistaken, I think five years.”
“That means you're used to doing this am I right?”
“I don't think I understand ma’am?”
“I'm way too young to be called ma’am Jack! I mean you picking up his many girlfriends?”
He chuckled and looked at me through the mirror, “can I say no comment?”
We both laughed. “You're full of jokes Jack. You're loyal to Zakhele.”
“He is a good man.. he has his faults but he has a good heart.”
“I'll pretend to believe you.” I looked out the window the rest of the drive to Fourways. I've never been to his home. I always suggested that we meet at restaurants or parks. Today is the time to see his sanctuary.


I stood in the middle of my big lounge and admired my new caramel leather couches. Everything in my home was now modern. It was more spacious, I had running water in my yard.
“You must be so proud of yourself mama.”
I looked at Keneilwe as she threw herself on my expensive couches. “Do you know how much those couches cost?”
“All I know is that Khumo bought these couches with her body.”
“Wareng Keneilwe?”
“Did you not sell her to your boss? That means everything in here belongs to her.”
“How many times must I tell you that I didn't sell Khumo! It was a mutual agreement.”
“Keep telling that to yourself mama. Papa must be turning in his grave.”
“I don't care if he is turning or not. I will be sleeping comfortably on my queen size bed!”
“O moloi mama!”
I turned around and gave her a hot slap. Keneilwe has become such a vile child. I can't control her like before. She doesn't even care what she says to me. “I'm not your age mate Keneilwe. I'm your mother!”
“Whatever Motlalepula.” she walked to her room and banged the door.

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