5 - The reward

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The arrow flew straight towards its target, the stag fell to the ground.

"Whoa" Jon stood up from behind you. "That's an accurate shot if I've ever seen one".

You stood up and put your bow back over your shoulders, you made a small bow. "Well thank you lord Snow' you both laughed.

Jon walked up to you and put his hand on your shoulder, "Well done, you will certainly impress the king with that one".

You looked at his hand on your shoulder and then up at him, you looked into his eyes for a second before snapping out of it.
"I sure hope so", you smiled and walked towards the stag.

At dinner Jon sat down next to you again, this time you didn't mind it at all.

You and Jon have kept talking ever since the hunt, you liked his company and hoped even more that he was coming to Kings Landing with you.

"You know" you started, "You never told me why you came down here with your father".

Jon took a sip of his ale to wash the food away, "That's right" he said. "I'm thinking of joining the Night's Watch, staying here" he looked up at you, "With you".

You fiddled with your locket, That would be great but.." you started.

But before you could tell Jon about the kings request for you to come into his service in the capital you were interrupted by Benjen sitting down besides you and Jon.

"By the gods Alena have you shown the king today" he said while putting down his plate and patting you on your shoulder.

"He sure didn't make a mistake picking his new staff member did he?" he looked at you and Jon exited.

You looked over at Jon, he looked confused. "Isn't she great?" Benjen looked at Jon with a big smile, "Definitely" Jon sounded disappointed.

The rest of the dinner Benjen kept talking about the hunt, new missions and all kinds of seemingly important business. Jon mostly nodded in agreement but you and him didn't exchange a word anymore.

After a while the king rose up from the high table, "Everyone!" He bouldered through the chatter filled room, it quickly became quiet.

"I would like to introduce you all to the newest member of my personal guard" you sensed what was coming.

"She has shown outstanding skill in today's hunt and I am more than happy she has accepted my request to come south with me".

Jon's head shot towards you looking disappointed for sure this time.

"Alena!" the king continued, "Welcome to the kings guard young lady" he raised his glass.

The room erupted into cheers and clapping, the men around you began congratulating you and even Benjen.

The king sat back down and started chatting with the lord commander again. You couldn't focus on all the cheers and men around you.

All you could look at was Jon, you felt a strange sort of sadness and almost guilty. You don't know why you didn't tell him before. Why weren't you happy?

By the time you finished going around the room to talk to everyone there you reached the high table to talk to the lord commander. You looked over at while Jon was sitting, he was gone.

The lord commander came up behind you, "He left a few minutes ago" he suddenly said.

You looked up at him "Lord commander I don't know.." but before you could defend yourself he interrupted.

Unbroken / Game Of Thrones / Jon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now