16 - Goodbye

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The next morning you woke up with a massive headache. You opened your eyes slowly, the light burned in your eyes. You weren't in your own chambers.

You turned around away from the light and saw Jon sleeping next to you, thank god. You crawled closer to him and kissed him on his forehead.

He slowly opened his eyes and grunted. In a deep sleepy voice he said "Good morning you". He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his chest. "How are you feeling?".

You had closed your eyes again, "Terrible". You could feel Jon giggling. "I have the worst headache I've had in my life".

You looked up at him, he was smiling.

"You did have quite a lot of wine last night", he tried to hold back his laughter. "Well I must have", you started. "I don't remember anything from the moment I walked out of my chambers to find you".

That did it for him, Jon bursted out into laughter. You laid in bed together for a good while until you heard knocking at the door.

A voice sounded from behind it, "Lord Commander Snow?". It was one of the men of the nights watch. Jon looked at you and you tried to hold back your laugh.

"I'm awake, what is it?", Jon responded while you couldn't help but laugh softly. Jon turned around and grabbed you by your waist pulling you close to him.

"The men are wondering what the orders are, it is almost noon". Jon's eyes widened and you giggled. You had been laying in bed for quite some time. "Get ready for departure, I will be there soon".

"Yes sir", you could hear the footsteps walking away from Jon's chambers. "That was quite close", you smiled at him as he gave you a kiss on your cheek and got out of the bed.

"He wouldn't have come in", he started to get dressed. You got out of the bed and did the same. Once you were all dressed in your riding gear you walked up to Jon and kissed him goodbye. "I know, see you in the stables?", you walked up to the window.

Jon nodded and he walked out the door. You couldn't be seen leaving his chambers and at this time of the day the halls were very busy. The back of the castle was not. You climbed out of the window and put your hands and feet on bricks sticking out of the walls.

You climbed your way down and landed on the grass at the back of the castle. 'Well done if I say so myself".

You started walking to the stables, you locked eyes with Jon standing there readying his horse. He gave you a sweet smile. You were about to walk up to him when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

You turned around and were looking straight at Robb. "Morning", he said while smiling. "Oh good morning Robb", you suddenly remembered your encounter with him last night.

"Sleep well?", he smirked. "Uhh yes fine", you could feel yourself getting red. "I apologize about last night, I..", you started but Robb quickly interrupted you. "Don't worry about it", he started laughing, "We have drunk people all the time here".

You chatted for a while until Jon walked up to you and Robb and interrupted.

"Miss Waters we're leaving soon". Jon put a hand on your shoulder, earning a curious look from Robb. "Ofcourse lord commander, I'll get the last things ready for departure".

Jon nodded and you walked up to Robb, you gave him a hug goodbye and he hugged you back. "I hope we'll meet again someday huntress", Robb smiled as you pulled away from the hug.

Robb walked away and you turned to Jon. "What was that about then?", he asked. "Nothing at all lord commander, I should get ready for departure". You smirked, Jon scoffed and you walked away.

As you rode out of Winterfell you suddenly got an overwhelming feeling of happiness. You were almost home.

AUTHORS NOTE: This chapter is a bit shorter than usual. Also I'm sorry about not updating for so long, I have been really busy and not really in the mindset to write. I will get back to writing now :) Thank you to all of you who are reading, it really means a lot. <3 Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions and my messages are always open. xx -E

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